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ohio riders mod rc51johnboi

that dude

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So, mods are allowed to call names, but regular members are not allowed to reply in kind?

If td received an infraction point, so should the mod, imho. Goose, gander / pot, kettle.

People are understandably shocked / saddened / angry at what happened.

Perhaps all 3 persons here (td, Fonz, and RC) could just stop for a moment, consider the situation, the impact on people's thought processes, and then move on.

td said something. RC said something. Fonnz said something. Let's call it done.

i will apologize to the roomate of chichi. i really didnt mean to offend him. if i did. im sorry....but i still think i did nothing wrong on here, and im the victim now. just beacuse of a johns title he gets a free pass. i guess its allowed since hes a mod to call people fucktards.really dont understand how why this was such a big deal.

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Perhaps all 3 persons here (td, Fonz, and RC) could just stop for a moment, consider the situation, the impact on people's thought processes, and then move on.

td said something. RC said something. Fonnz said something. Let's call it done.

I'm only here reacting to the current situation. That's what I was asked to do

If anything, I've extended multiple "last chances" to Dude (since nobody knows his real name) just in the last hour

It's up to him if he wants to take them, or continue on the path he's on

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fonzie- still waiting on your opinion to my question. what is this so called path? a fellow mod calls me a fucktard, call him a bitch. big deal. is he gonna get an infraction? that would be fair correct? are you warning him as well for the path he is on as well? why single me out? really? is fine you dont like me, but be fair here.

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Wrong, but semi-understandable,for the mod to call td a name. td said something the mod evidently disagreed with.

Wrong, but understandable, for td to reply back with a profanity.

Fonz attempts to keep things civil, but questions td's worth to the forum. Wrong to do in public.

td questions Fonz's worth. Also wrong to do in public.

td offers to apologize to the roomie. Taking the high road. That's good.

Again, what happened has thrown everyone for a loop, and maybe things are being said that wouldn't normally be said. An olive branch has been extended - let's build on that.

as my sig says, "my 2 cents".

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my .02

it's Ben's board. He has a list of people to whom he's granted mod powers. Apparently he trusts their judgement enough to give them certain liberties within his site.

This includes the disciplinary powers of infractions.

Should you disagree with an infraction or how it was applied, MY first move would have been to send a PM to ben and explain why you disagree with it. NOT to start a new public thread whining like a little bitch.

Want to be treated like an adult? act like one.

fonzie came on and gave his opinion, in defense of another mods decision.

I've never gotten an infraction based on anything I've said in a PM, and esssentially that's what john did, sent you a PM calling you a fucktard, along with a 1 pt infraction (which you can get just for annoying a mod).

Annoying the mods/admins - 1pts

Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pts

Abuse of website - 2pts

Unauthorized Advertising - 2pts

NWS Avatar - 2pts

Multiple Accounts - 3pts

Post under another's username without permission - 3pts

Excessive Leg Humping / Sexism - 3pts

Personal Attacks - 3pts

Wishing Bodily Harm and/or Wreck - 3pts

Threats of Violence - 6pts

Racism - 6pts

Purposely Damaging Personal Property - 12pts

Purposely Causing Bodily Harm - 24pts

Spamming - 24pts

and based on this thread alone, you're privy to a 3pter if one of the mods felt it was warranted.

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John gave you an infraction for what he thought was a fucktard move.

Members call each other fucktards all the time. You just got infraction for it, on the subject matter.

To soon to press for that information, was my thought.

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John gave you an infraction for what he thought was a fucktard move.

Members call each other fucktards all the time. You just got infraction for it, on the subject matter.

To soon to press for that information, was my thought.

so its ok for me then to bash john in the ranting and raving forum correct or no?

your telling me i got an infraction for asking if it was suicide. that seems to be a pretty fair and honest question bro.

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would outride 75% of the fucks on here including you my friend.

YEAH! AFJ/BIKESTYLES type trash talking...

I say we need a squid race around some freeway offramps, and then maybe a whoolie contest to decide the winnar!:banana:

OH WAIT, that dude doesn't have a bike anymore, he can't outride ANYONE... my girlfriend would beat you in a motorcycle race on the twinstar 200

...and i know fonzies bike will totally smoke TD's watercraft, and his truck...

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quit leg humping fonzie.

Excessive leg humping / sexism is a 3 point infraction ya know :eek:

The difference here is I think Fonzie likes getting the :leghump:

so its ok for me then to bash john in the ranting and raving forum correct or no?

your telling me i got an infraction for asking if it was suicide. that seems to be a pretty fair and honest question bro.

My opinion on the matter TD is that you should have left out the second part about "if not RIP". The person being talked about is gone, I don't think you can hurt his feelings any more. The way I see it is the replies should be kept respectful to those that knew him.

I get upset all the time when people on a public newspaper website get all pissed off that people talk about the circumstances around someone's death, and possibly prevention to keep others from the same fate. This place is a bit different type of "community" where many know each other personally

I can't say that I agree with the infraction point, though. It's not place to decide on that anyway.

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I see nothing wrong with a mod/admin calling you a fucktard. That's what you are. Also, I dont completely agree with the infraction. You shoulda got more than just 1 point. If you cant be sympathetic to someones best friend dying, then stay out of the thread.

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no 7000 post never contributed one thing. are you here to contribute to ohio riders or promote the dtc? seems like thats 90% of your thread talk. just a simple question

You're a fucktard, The majority of the DTC members are on OR. What would be the point in promoting DTC?

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YEAH! AFJ/BIKESTYLES type trash talking...

I say we need a squid race around some freeway offramps, and then maybe a whoolie contest to decide the winnar!:banana:

OH WAIT, that dude doesn't have a bike anymore, he can't outride ANYONE... my girlfriend would beat you in a motorcycle race on the twinstar 200

...and i know fonzies bike will totally smoke TD's watercraft, and his truck...

you got a little left on your chin from fonzie, please wipe it.

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I see nothing wrong with a mod/admin calling you a fucktard. That's what you are. Also, I dont completely agree with the infraction. You shoulda got more than just 1 point. If you cant be sympathetic to someones best friend dying, then stay out of the thread.

this coming from another fucktard :D

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Meh, not worth my time. I'll read this later.

EDIT: Okay so i took the time to read it and looks like i injured someones feelings. Its funny how you can post with apparent disregard for another persons feelings, but oh don't you dare can call him any names.

You can call me what you want, I really don't care. Also the boi at the end of my screen name,which i think is funny, shows you're just forum troll.

I think I'll go ride my motorcycle now.

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so its ok for me then to bash john in the ranting and raving forum correct or no?

your telling me i got an infraction for asking if it was suicide. that seems to be a pretty fair and honest question bro.

As long as you don't break the rules, this would be the place to flame someone. Whether it's an admin, mod, or another member. However, you might get another infraction for being annoying.

Honest question, yes. Time and place for it no.

Even if you have no sympathy, there's a time and place for everything. That thread wasn't it.

you give me an infraction for asking if chachi boy commited suicidez? pretty reasonable question. i also typed after "suicide?" if not rip dude. i have no sympathy for people who blow their brains out. zero.none.

This kid has a real name, a real family, and real friends. Some of which are on this board. Show a little respect for those that lost someone close.

Even if you have no sympathy for the one that passed.

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gonna have to agree with cdub here. the day after someones bestfriend dies dont come at them like that, some respect would have been just fine.

if you notice im the one who reported the post, and edited your original post. be mad at me if you want. i would edit it if the roles were reversed and it was someone saying it to you. im here to help and if i see something out of line like you post i will report and edit with a reason.

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