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ohio riders mod rc51johnboi

that dude

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you give me an infraction for asking if chachi boy commited suicidez? pretty reasonable question. i also typed after "suicide?" if not rip dude. i have no sympathy for people who blow their brains out. zero.none.
This kid has a real name, a real family, and real friends. Some of which are on this board. Show a little respect for those that lost someone close.

Even if you have no sympathy for the one that passed.

Sorry... Went to watch my Godson's baseball game

See.... Even your usage of that one word above, shows your lack of respect for Chachi, & also for Quip's loss

I'll make this easy for you. Ordinarily I'd never step on another Mod's toes, but we could probably swing a deal where we take away John's 1 point he dinged you for bein' a "fucktard"

However.... I'll then immediately replace that with at least 4-5 pts for your other violations today, that so far, I've done nothing formal about, along with a ban if appropriate.

See.... You keep comin' at me, but even so, I still haven't formally reprimanded you, or taken your threads backroom. You might wanna slow your roll & think about that for a minute

Or you can put up with what John said/did, take your 1 pt, & hopefully use this as a learning experience

As far as your request for John to get dinged.... Again... Above my paygrade. You'll have to take that up with an Admin

kawi kid- not mad at all, your more than fair bro

:rolleyes: Quit humpin Kawi's leg

I think you still got some of him on your chin... Please wipe it

My opinion on the matter TD is that you should have left out the second part about "if not RIP". The person being talked about is gone, I don't think you can hurt his feelings any more. The way I see it is the replies should be kept respectful to those that knew him.

DING!... Fries are done!

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I really have no business in this thread, but it needs to be mentioned that certain religions, societies and/or cultures have distinct feelings and emotions about suicide. Enough so that it should not even be mentioned in public, as a possibility upon a person's passing.

Not everyone knows that.

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Would have been better for the mod to just IM him to say that it might have a been a bit much. If you got infractions for being insensitive we'd all be banned.

How many people are insensitive when it comes to a member who's friend died? None.

Well, one seeing as how we have a this thread about it. :nono:

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Insensitivity is subjective. Nothing says you have to live by the "Golden Rule"... regardless of how good of an idea having a little empathy is.

Thread was posted -- how could the OP not expect questions? It's in the public space at that point and regardless of sensitivity, people are curious AND have their own opinions/outlook on mortality which they're free to post. I suppose the issue is more between the OP and That Dude than any of the Mods/Admins on here.

Let That Dude paint himself in whatever light he chooses to, ya'll can form your own opinions.

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just saying it started with me.........
Shit startin fucktard. You should have given him an infraction as well ;)
Oh look, I just called a mod "fucktard" It's a common place term on this forum.

But when it's true that he's a fucktard...


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Insensitivity is subjective. Nothing says you have to live by the "Golden Rule"... regardless of how good of an idea having a little empathy is.

Thread was posted -- how could the OP not expect questions? It's in the public space at that point and regardless of sensitivity, people are curious AND have their own opinions/outlook on mortality which they're free to post. I suppose the issue is more between the OP and That Dude than any of the Mods/Admins on here.

Let That Dude paint himself in whatever light he chooses to, ya'll can form your own opinions.

Typical Liberal response. :rolleyes:

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Insensitivity is subjective. Nothing says you have to live by the "Golden Rule"... regardless of how good of an idea having a little empathy is.

Thread was posted -- how could the OP not expect questions? It's in the public space at that point and regardless of sensitivity, people are curious AND have their own opinions/outlook on mortality which they're free to post. I suppose the issue is more between the OP and That Dude than any of the Mods/Admins on here.

Let That Dude paint himself in whatever light he chooses to, ya'll can form your own opinions.

That's all fine & well Justin, but there's that subjective category called "Annoying a Mod" that can be used with discretion

Say for instance.... This thread if I chose to.... And all the BS I had to put up with this morning

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What BS? It's an internet forum. None of these people are real. None of these posts are real. Not one thing on this entire site is real.

IP' date=' you took the red pill didn't you?[/quote']


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Would have been better for the mod to just IM him to say that it might have a been a bit much. If you got infractions for being insensitive we'd all be banned.

when i edited the post i gave the reason in the reason for edited area......

But when it's true that he's a fucktard...



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Thread was posted -- how could the OP not expect questions? It's in the public space at that point and regardless of sensitivity, people are curious AND have their own opinions/outlook on mortality which they're free to post.

You know the OP started the thread, then was vague about details, then said he didn't want to talk about it when questioned about it.

I so badly wanted to say "then why did you start this thread" if you don't want to talk about it, cause that's exactly what you're doing.

This is exactly the reason I did not post that comment to the OP, I knew what would happen.

My 2cents on this, I don't think TD's question/comment to the OP was out-of-line, EVERYONE reading the thread wanted to know what happened,

don't kid yourself. If anything was out of line it was the mod's reactions to this whole thing, thats just my opinon.

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The OP posted the thread to inform the rest of us about Chachi. I understand not wanting to discuss particulars' date=' especially if the family is being "hush-hush" about it. Read the obit... "passed quietly"?? They're obviously keeping the details on the DL. He's just respecting their wishes, I'm sure.

^ ^ This

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I take little blue ones...............wut? :dunno:

Yea, but you take them as suppositories.

@ Fonz, I understand the purpose of the blanket "Annoying a Mod" infraction -- it basically gives the Mods a free pass to do WTF they want and cite that as the cause. I get it.

But in this instance -- TD didn't address a mod, he addressed the OP (not being racist, threatening physical harm, or otherwise violating any of the rules). So the "Annoying a Mod" infraction isn't applicable or being appropriately applied in this case. You might as well have the discussion to change the infraction to "General whatthefuckery at the Mod's discretion" - at least it's more honest, and still gives the blanket pass to the Mods to dole out infractions as they please.

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