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FS Thread Junk

that dude

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Thanks for the online psychological evaluation

I seem to remember Ananda blamming my wife for the crap with Wheezle and telling me WE had trust issues,

now isn't this some funny shit, how the tides have turned.

But hey Ananda's not to blame, just like Melissa wasn't to blame in my situation either.


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I seem to remember Ananda blamming my wife for the crap with Wheezle and telling me WE had trust issues' date='

now isn't this some funny shit, how the tides have turned.

But hey Ananda's not to blame, just like Melissa wasn't to blame in my situation either.


ahaha wow your retarded. This isnt a trust issue thing at all, If I didnt trust her I wouldnt let her go on rides by herself with people I dont know. However when people make comments that she doesnt like I get bent out of shape, does that make sense in your little worls.

You guys do have trust issues, your wife loved every moment of attention from Wheezle but didnt want to admit it.kthxby

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ahaha wow your retarded. This isnt a trust issue thing at all, If I didnt trust her I wouldnt let her go on rides by herself with people I dont know. However when people make comments that she doesnt like I get bent out of shape, does that make sense in your little worls.

You guys do have trust issues, your wife loved every moment of attention from Wheezle but didnt want to admit it.kthxby

We don't/didn't have trust issues, and I'm not saying you guys do, just sayin how its funny that you're in here defending your woman, just as I was.

I'm not here to argue with you or insult you, cause that doesn't make me feel like a big man like it does for some people here,

just pointing out that the shit ain't funny when its you and yours involved.

You want to throw out some more insults and jabs at me go right ahead if it makes you feel like a bad ass,

all it does is make you look foolish.

Starting to think that having girlfriends/wives that ride too is a bad idea :dunno:

swingr, i bet wheezle dicked her good, bruh.

Hey, play nice now, besides, didn't happen.

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Calling you Nostradamus would be calling you smart, which I dont really think you are. Especially since you continue to make things "weird" for your girl and anyone who ever goes to a gathering that she's at.

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Aren't we all supposed to be riding our bikes? I thought this shit only happened when it was cold outside.

Srsly. I think this place just needs to class it up a bit. Either that or lighten up a bit, "yeah I know shes smokin hot, aren't you jealous?"

At the very least, settle personal beefs via PM

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I just spend a good while reading this whole thread and I must say that this is in the top 5 All-Time Weirdest Threads Ever.

It is now that a Junkie posted in it! (Kidding of course, I don't want to start THAT war again!) Yeah, it is a very weird thread, and not worth reading from beginning to end, unless you were following it from the start, taking it in pieces, and reading the other related threads as they progressed.

Aren't we all supposed to be riding our bikes? I thought this shit only happened when it was cold outside.

No doubt!

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im not really sure man...5yrs maybe? ive had it for a bit

it works alright, i can plug it into my laptop...just stopped using it like 2 weeks ago when i got a widescreen

Id buy it

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I wouldn't mind having a cheap flat screen to plug into my laptop to make doing working a little easier.... of course sometimes I just plug my laptop into my 32" flat screen in the bedroom and use a wireless keyboard and mouse

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