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Riding to Moonville Sunday (route?)


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I want to head down and find this elusive tunnel that has such a haunted past.

This is the route I am planning but if I'm missing something along the way please suggest otherwise.

256 to 664 to 56 to 278 to hwy 3 and finally on to Twp rd 18?

For those that have been down there:

Is there a marked trail to the tunnel?

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Hmm never heard of it, so I had to Google it heh. Looks like a nice ride down there. I think I might have to head down there and see if I can see a ghost someday. To save anyone else the 5 seconds of looking it up, here is one of the many pages about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonville,_Ohio

Post up when you get back please, and let me know if it's worth a trip down there to see.

Edited by danballa
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there is not much marking the tunnel, you will pass a bridge and it will be on your left. it has not rained for a while so the stream crossing shouldnt be bad. the road leading to the tunnel is gravel. here is a google map with it marked http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Columbus,+OH&daddr=39.307842,-82.323285&geocode=FVjCYQId9okN-ylx3pC5wYk4iDEztbHP-GYy5A%3BFULKVwIdq9gX-w&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=39.311756,-82.331371&sspn=0.012518,0.021586&ie=UTF8&ll=39.560177,-82.53891&spn=0.798293,1.381531&t=h&z=10

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How did this trip go? Would you recommend going down there to check it out? or was umm, kinda boring/dumb/waste of time heh

The trip was well worth it. Anytime you get to ride through Hocking Hills it is a treat.

The tunnel was a cool site. There is some weird abstract art painted inside the tunnel but no paranormal activity (the only let down).

I would definitely do it again.

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I went down there in college in the middle of the night with a bunch of friends. We walked down a dirt path through the woods to get to it though....we must have taken the hard way. We got up to where the old bridge used to be and we kept getting hit by pebbles.....we were all shining our flashlights around trying to see which one of us was doing it and it wasn't any of us.... Creepy it is. Beware if you go at night and make sure you read up on the legends of the ghost of the man who was killed on the railroad back when Moonville was a mining town.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an old post but I have been there, but personaly I don't think I would want to park my bike out there. When I went there was 2 16 or 17 year old punks and there skank girlfreinds there smashing bricks off of the top of the tunnle. After seeing the 8" blade on my survivle knife they didn't say 2 words to me but I still made sure I got back to my truck before they had a chance to get to there car that was parked infront of mine.

All and all the place is cool, I have a ton of pics on my phone still. And since its just down the road go check out the hope furnace. it has a haunted passed as well, including a gaurd that fell into melting iron. They say one stormy nights you can see him still gaurding the place. Fun part is I camped at lake hope when I went. The night I seen the furnace and the tunnle(Saturday) it stormed like mad. I didn't go down there because it was raining way to hard but I could see the field that's around the furnace threw a clearing for power lines. It was a fun trip, id be up for doing it again!

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  • 1 month later...

Great place! Been there many times and had a ghostly encounter once, with about six other people who all saw the same thing. This at one time was private property as we were escorted out of there by the police one night, very nice about it though.

N 39° 18.404 W 082° 19.240

Those are the coordinates for the area if anybody wants them.

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I would not park a bike out there at night. You walk a good distance away from the parking area and somebody could load your bike and be gone before you got back. This area is pretty far from anything so somebody could get away from the area real easy before the police even thought about getting to you. I would make this trip in the daytime only unless your driving your car.

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