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Screw Honda Northwest!!!


I will not support Honda Northwest all because of this thread.  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. I will not support Honda Northwest all because of this thread.

    • Yes. I will support them
    • No. I will NOT support them
    • I will NOT shop at HNW, but not exclusivley because of this thread
    • This thread does not change my prior opinion about HNW

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I wouldn't have expected it for free, but personally I would have had a similar reaction if I knew another place would do it for free. Selling motorcycles, parts, and service is all about scratching backs sometimes...give a little to gain a lot. Once Putty was ready to leave the guy should have realized that he was losing a potential future customer (for more expensive parts or bikes) and done it for free...IMO When a place does something small like that for free, I remember and will happily be a return customer or send others there.

But what you guys are missing is that he bought his bike somewhere else that was even closer. He stated he could have had them do it for free, but went to HNW anyways. If he has never bought a bike there, why should they give him a "back scratch" if he supports another dealer? Had he bought the bike there, knew the staff better, etc., I guarantee they'd have done it for free.

It pays YOU the customer to get to know the service guys, the parts guys, and the sales guys. The guys who come in and shoot the shit on a Saturday over a cup of coffee get a shit pile more attention than a guy who buys a bike somewhere else, knows one guy at that shop and has a job that could potentially turn bad if the bolt would have wallowed out or snapped off.


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Of all the people on here that read this and actually agree - how many are going to buy a bike w/o shopping anyways? Taking that into factor, once they find a better deal within a short driving distance, they'll go where the deal is.

If you eliminate them, that leaves you the people that buy w/o worrying about a deal, buy from their favorite shop and based on heresay. Those people are so damn small that once HNW loses what, 10 total bike sales, they'll gain that 10 from making deals to 20 other people to get them in the door. Overall bike numbers are 10 per day - not 10 per month.

Dude, they spend about (A dealer their size) about $75k PLUS a month in flooring costs for their units. The units you don't see are usually off site or at an assembly company (Custom Assembly). So, that expensive floor plan makes it a deal where they will do lowball deals or meet lowball deals to move units when time comes. You and the 10 other people that decide that charging Putty $10 for a labor job that COULD have been more than a simple removal of a bolt, is peanuts.

If you think otherwise, you need to do some more research and understand what dealers pay and what they move unit-wise before you go and think if you and your buddies stop shopping there it will make them hurt.

It's like you and 1,000 of your friends deciding to stop buying gasoline a MONTH to prove to the oil companies they can't mess with you. Yeah, that'll hurt 'em...:rolleyes:

:slap: Now you say its "peanuts" but earlier you were talking about all the "free" work that would be done and how much it would cost the company. Make up your mind, either they are a small company who would lose so much because of this free work or they are a huge company who can afford to lose the business.

Like I said before, I have no problem with HNW, I bought my bike there and get it serviced there. I just figured they would have done more to help build their relationSHIT with customers.

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OK...I dont expect anything for free.

The fact that I could have asked you for $3 is the exact same, minus a storefront....Bolts was going to pocket the money for using HW tools to remove my screws. I took my toolkit out to take off your seat....You should have paid me. Nothing is free. My time is as valuable as Bolts.

Fact of the matter is, 95% of the tools that are used at that shop and in service are that of the mechanic. How do I know, I've worked there. So assuming one of Bills drill bits did break removing a bolt. He has to replace it. But lets say he get's the screw out and the threads are trashed, now he's got to chase the thread and hope it's not so chewed up that it needs to be re-tapped and heli-coiled. So what was a 5 minute job for your "$10 thanks for helping me charge" is now an hour charge. And let's remember he get's paid for only the labor he is clocked in on too.

While I was there I helped a few people out breaking the bead on a tire or this or that. Sometimes depending upon how long it took I asked for 5 or 10 bucks or just said don't sweat it.

One more note, let's remember that if they still have work like they did when I was there, he was probably stopping work on another bike that he was in the process of working on to help you out.

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:slap: Now you say its "peanuts" but earlier you were talking about all the "free" work that would be done and how much it would cost the company. Make up your mind, either they are a small company who would lose so much because of this free work or they are a huge company who can afford to lose the business.

Like I said before, I have no problem with HNW, I bought my bike there and get it serviced there. I just figured they would have done more to help build their relationSHIT with customers.

Business is business. Losses and gains are always occuring. What I am saying is that if you think you and your buds are going to cause a ripple effect by not buying anything there, they will certainly have double that amount waiting in the wings to fill in for you.

Unit sales and accessory sales are unit based. In other words, they pay a flooring for the bikes monthly. They also have to pay dating terms typically on accessories and the like or have them on a Net set-up. That being said, if it comes a time that people aren't buying bikes or accessories, having a sale usually combats that issue.

Giving shit away for free (service or otherwise) is a poor business decision and a reason why certain people are buyers and others are owners of shops. Making money is the goal. For any business.

Back scratches and the like are something easily overlooked for supporting customers. Your attitude and the fact that Putty didn't buy his bike there are signs of non-supporting customers. You may still get a deal if you are at the right place at the right time, but other than that, why would they give something free to someone who doesn't support them.

Using free stuff to attract customers is NEVER a good idea. The people that get stuff free, usually always expect free stuff. When they don't get it, they bitch and moan and do things like this thread. In business, you do something good for someone, that person tells three people. Do something bad for someone, they tell 500 people... Customers expecting free stuff are usually not very loyal and a waste of time...

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......Afterwards, I dont say"what your disbursement code, so I can charge your line of business".

at my company its assumed IT is a huge black hole you throw $$$$ at!!!. Its ALL ONE CODE for IT there. Fix it all in house all a flat rate plus parts and hardware.

Both of you work for the same dick,What if someone wanted you to go to a diff building close by like next door?And you didn't work for them?
very good Angrish +1 no one would!!!!!!
.................If you've bought a few new bikes off of me, and I remembered you from it, yeah I probably would have done it for free, ...........................Don't ever expect anything for free, and you just may get it.

+1 +1 no he expects that because of some oil and boots that the house is free from here out. Buy somthing of substance first, THEN you get the free stuff.............

Now that I know the $10 was to buy him lunch instead of all the "how do you expect a shop to do work for free" reasons given here by all their supporters....They can definitely eat shit.

shit, ill buy ANYONE lunch for FREE work!!!!!!! I ALWAYS take $$$$ in, but you know what, they dont always take it....and that DOES go for HNW!!!! a few times in fact!!!

.........Everyone owes Satan $10 for using his inter-web space here on the internets.

well this has nothing to do with HNW....BUT PPL should be giving SATAN a few $$$ because the first, godaddy account after setup with domain name will run almost 100, then this software to RUN THIS board costs 160 A YEAR (if i remember correctly) ......so YEA....buy SATAN and CBRGIRL fucking lunch or dinner fuckers!!!! Or just give $$$$ or buy a tank of gas (ill buy some tanks a few times, now that i think and rant about it) .....maybe SOME have given $$$$ but i doubt it...

........ I still think even if you feel strongly enough to NEVER go there again, you'd consider it anyways if they'd beat the best deal on your next bike by $500-$1000...

you bet your ass they would....and anyone that says different LIES!!!!!!

..........It pays YOU the customer to get to know the service guys, the parts guys, and the sales guys. The guys who come in and shoot the shit on a Saturday over a cup of coffee get a shit pile more attention than a guy who buys a bike somewhere else, knows one guy at that shop .............

thats the story im reading too!!!!!! and YES...actually KNOWING them isnt the same as "hey whats up MAN!!!!"


i bought my bike new from ANOTHER shop.....THAT shop would NOT fix the oil leak that the motor had. "its from the filter" BULLSHIT!!!!! I know my shit more than that!!!! So, take to HNW. They agree with ME!!! Then they tear the motor out, break it down to the 3rd seam from the bottom of the cranckcase which involves dropping the crank (i think).....slam it back together ALL FOR FREE!!!! yes warranty but this instance IS NOT the instances talked about above. and you know what......some of you KNOW the problems with Gixxes and oil and wheelies....some of you know how i beat the fuck out of my shit (so i cant go more than a mile....fuck off!!!)....but you know what, that thing still runs like a champ!!!!

HNW rocks, so do the mechanics and the service sales guys.....always been helpfull ....and truthfull, although that can hurt sometimes $$$$

Putty...ive seen your ride (car), and that bike is what, not even a year old? And you ARE WHINING about the $$$$$....you dont do SIDEWORK for free, no one does....pay the damn 10 bucks have a coke and a smile!!!

dumbest argument/post i have ever read, and that includes my stupid shit.


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What I am saying is that if you think you and your buds are going to cause a ripple effect by not buying anything there, they will certainly have double that amount waiting in the wings to fill in for you.


When did I ever say this?? I said it was BAD business to be a dick to a regular paying customer over a 2 minutes job. Not once did I tell Putty that he should not go there anymore, nor did I say I wouldnt buy shit there. What I DID say is that this thread and having bad publicity is going to be bad for business.

Giving shit away for free (service or otherwise) is a poor business decision and a reason why certain people are buyers and others are owners of shops. Making money is the goal. For any business.


Again I disagree.. so all these companies that send free samples of their products are doing this why? I am sure they know more than you and I about how to sell their shit. And one way to sell their shit is to get the product out their and to create a word-of-mouth buzz about a product or in this case the company itself. Did I mention I have my BSBA in Marketing? I might know a little about what helps a company sell its shit and what doesnt and I guarantee that Putty probably would have been starting the same thread only about how much HNW helped him if things would have gone differently. But that isnt the case

Back scratches and the like are something easily overlooked for supporting customers. Your attitude and the fact that Putty didn't buy his bike there are signs of non-supporting customers. You may still get a deal if you are at the right place at the right time, but other than that, why would they give something free to someone who doesn't support them.


So me buying my bike there and spending thousands there for service makes me a non-supporter? I guess because I am not on a forum kissing their asses I am not a supporter. I think I support them plenty and will continue to do so.

Using free stuff to attract customers is NEVER a good idea. The people that get stuff free, usually always expect free stuff. When they don't get it, they bitch and moan and do things like this thread. In business, you do something good for someone, that person tells three people. Do something bad for someone, they tell 500 people... Customers expecting free stuff are usually not very loyal and a waste of time...

Already addressed this... and you are a fool if you think any different.

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Well I talked to some shop owners in town and ....putty I don't see you going to deal w/ Jeff anymore.Plus Scott that owns motorsports said in front of me and a couple other ppl that if bizz don't pick up in a year or so he closing shop.So I think you should be a little concerned w/ who's going to work on your bike"that pleases you". Let me tell you hinds wouldn't have done it .And I think you saying you don't give a fuk about burn bridges w/ guys that have helped you many times before didn't go over very well.I don't no man but they all no you and could give 2 shits about what you think or what your saying.....You might be better off buying your next bike out of town.......Marysville or something.Sad really you could have just been a nice guy and buy m lunch.And he would have taken care of you. shops are shops HNW is the 2nd oldest shop in town. They got it on lock.Good luck tipping that boat!!

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Bad publicity,No such thing. They got rid of that about the same time internet came out!!This is great for them.11 pages damn And their laughing as they read a sell bikes,parts.........Plus they were making fun of me because I'll spend enough in thier to make up what you won't spend.

I just don't think there is a need for you to bad mouth ppl for no reason "good reason" your a moderator you need to be a little more objective...ya no walk a mile in someones shoes first kinda thing.I hope your not mad at me I was still hoping to get in on some rides?We still gotta race man shit......then you can hate me forever ....<<<<come on thats a good one funny shit ppl we are all supposed to be friends here!!:postwhore:

My post count is getting crazy high :coffee:

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When did I ever say this?? I said it was BAD business to be a dick to a regular paying customer over a 2 minutes job. Not once did I tell Putty that he should not go there anymore, nor did I say I wouldnt buy shit there. What I DID say is that this thread and having bad publicity is going to be bad for business.

Again I disagree.. so all these companies that send free samples of their products are doing this why? I am sure they know more than you and I about how to sell their shit. And one way to sell their shit is to get the product out their and to create a word-of-mouth buzz about a product or in this case the company itself. Did I mention I have my BSBA in Marketing? I might know a little about what helps a company sell its shit and what doesnt and I guarantee that Putty probably would have been starting the same thread only about how much HNW helped him if things would have gone differently. But that isnt the case

So me buying my bike there and spending thousands there for service makes me a non-supporter? I guess because I am not on a forum kissing their asses I am not a supporter. I think I support them plenty and will continue to do so.

Already addressed this... and you are a fool if you think any different.

Dude, you don't get it. You bash them for not giving Putty who didn't buy his bike there free service. Now, if you did all that you say you did - thousands in service, bought your bike and so on and so on and knew the guys, etc. and they charged you $10, I'd say that was kind of a bum deal. But for Putty to come on here and get all pissed and such is stupid and makes no sense.

Well, to the people that get it, at least...

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Dude, you don't get it. You bash them for not giving Putty who didn't buy his bike there free service. Now, if you did all that you say you did - thousands in service, bought your bike and so on and so on and knew the guys, etc. and they charged you $10, I'd say that was kind of a bum deal. But for Putty to come on here and get all pissed and such is stupid and makes no sense.

Well, to the people that get it, at least...

Like I said before....

bunny. pancake. head.

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...for Putty to come on here and get all pissed and such is stupid and makes no sense.

Well, to the people that get it, at least...

whatever, maybe this is where we have the disconnect.. maybe I am speaking from my own perspective with HNW and how I would feel. :confused:

not my problem I guess.. hopefully Putty and those at HNW patch things up.

bunny.pancake.head is correct

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Well I talked to some shop owners in town and ....putty I don't see you going to deal w/ Jeff anymore.Plus Scott that owns motorsports said in front of me and a couple other ppl that if bizz don't pick up in a year or so he closing shop.So I think you should be a little concerned w/ who's going to work on your bike"that pleases you". Let me tell you hinds wouldn't have done it .And I think you saying you don't give a fuk about burn bridges w/ guys that have helped you many times before didn't go over very well.I don't no man but they all no you and could give 2 shits about what you think or what your saying.....You might be better off buying your next bike out of town.......Marysville or something.Sad really you could have just been a nice guy and buy m lunch.And he would have taken care of you. shops are shops HNW is the 2nd oldest shop in town. They got it on lock.Good luck tipping that boat!!

Keep thinking that...I'll be just fine when I get a new bike....Right here in Columbus.

Bad publicity,No such thing. They got rid of that about the same time internet came out!!This is great for them.11 pages damn And their laughing as they read a sell bikes,parts.........Plus they were making fun of me because I'll spend enough in thier to make up what you won't spend.

I just don't think there is a need for you to bad mouth ppl for no reason "good reason" your a moderator you need to be a little more objective...ya no walk a mile in someones shoes first kinda thing.I hope your not mad at me I was still hoping to get in on some rides?We still gotta race man shit......then you can hate me forever ....<<<<come on thats a good one funny shit ppl we are all supposed to be friends here!!:postwhore:

I am not mad at anyone here.....

But what you guys are missing is that he bought his bike somewhere else that was even closer. He stated he could have had them do it for free, but went to HNW anyways. If he has never bought a bike there, why should they give him a "back scratch" if he supports another dealer? Had he bought the bike there, knew the staff better, etc., I guarantee they'd have done it for free.

It pays YOU the customer to get to know the service guys, the parts guys, and the sales guys. The guys who come in and shoot the shit on a Saturday over a cup of coffee get a shit pile more attention than a guy who buys a bike somewhere else, knows one guy at that shop and has a job that could potentially turn bad if the bolt would have wallowed out or snapped off.


What part of I go there HNW all the time to buy little things did you not catch? I frequent that shop all summer long. I stop in to BS with Mike or Tom or buy little things here and there, so it was not like I walked in the place for the first time. The $10 had nothing to do with the fact the screw could have broken or snapped blah blah and you know that. Bolts was hungry, it was lunch time, he wanted to do it real fast and have me pay for his lunch.....which would have been fine if he said...."I can do it really fast for a few bucks"....People on here know....if someone helps me out, I have no regrets paying for the time they used on my crap.

Using free stuff to attract customers is NEVER a good idea. The people that get stuff free, usually always expect free stuff. When they don't get it, they bitch and moan and do things like this thread. In business, you do something good for someone, that person tells three people. Do something bad for someone, they tell 500 people... Customers expecting free stuff are usually not very loyal and a waste of time...

I disagree.....for instance all the bike nights and Quaker...places that give away free shit all the time...It's used to attract customers back to the establishment..Usually the shit given away is stuff given to them by vendors or stuff they want rid of, that's meaningless, yet means a lot to you or me and would make me say "Lizards shop is pretty cool...look what they gave me, just for going there...." I'd give my money to your shop on the mere fact of minor things...Hell Hinds sent a $25 gift card to me the other day just because...MS sent one, too....That's how you get good word of mouth support..simple things..IMO

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