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Screw Honda Northwest!!!


I will not support Honda Northwest all because of this thread.  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. I will not support Honda Northwest all because of this thread.

    • Yes. I will support them
    • No. I will NOT support them
    • I will NOT shop at HNW, but not exclusivley because of this thread
    • This thread does not change my prior opinion about HNW

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Exactly it's old news, which has nothing to do with this thread in any way, shape, or form. I don't know you to be a fan of yours, but if stirring up old, need to be forgotten news is what you're in the business doing...good for me I don't. I formed my opinion of the shop which does not affect you in anyway, but thanks for looking out for my best interest.

I could give 2 shit about your interest,Its funny to me to be honest.I was sticking up for HNW,They have always been good to me and the shit flying out of your mouth about them is not true.And they have no one on the forum to give a defence. You wouldn't defend a friend. These ppl are friends of mine,That I ride w/ and hang out.I take it a little personal.No one there has ever did anything to fuk w/ you but you want to shut them down because .....Who the fuk no's 10$ or someone lunch. Plus dude the news of you fighten about shops looks like its never going to get old!!:lol:

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It's only 3 pages on my side as of right now. Fuck all that short page bullshit man. Change your settings to view more posts on the pages. All of this shit is only on 3 pages on my computer.:dj:

OMG!!!! ok...its at 151 posts!!! Does THAT clarify it better for ya? Less confusing for you now??? From now on ppl, remember its post count!!!!!

:rulez::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

........What part of I go there HNW all the time to buy little things did you not catch? I frequent that shop all summer long. I stop in to BS with Mike or Tom or buy little things here and there.....

you said it. i do that too but still have a 10 spot in the pocket for a tire balance which would normally cost 15....but for YOU PUTTY....its free!!!!

Dumb fucking logic dude.

wow. 4 pages of this BS. Thats pretty impressive!

.....come on man.....how many posts?? i dont know what you mean!! i have 151 pages here!!!! lol just fukin around man!!!! :)....it just played into the Ninjanick reply above :)

......bottom line = $$$$$$ sure you had it, YOU just thought a SERVICE should be FREE .........and you'll bad mouth them because you didnt get somthing for FREE (i dont care what it was, big or small).....sure its your RIGHT, this is America damnit.....but its our (not JUST me here) right to say YOUR wrong too....and YOU ARE!!!! :):p.....and this thread will go on for pages, opps, posts and posts prolly untill it gets locked (wrong to do).....

....enough for now :)

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Awesome this thread is already 6 pages... lol just fucking with ya 420..can we drop it already and just let this slowly fade into the depths of what once was cool to talk about?

:lol::lol::lol: that was fukin funny man, cause when i first started to read , i was gonna "jump" on ya, then ya followed with the admission of sarcasm (which can be impossible to pick up on sometime out here on the www)....and thats funny......you had me statement #2 :metal::metal:


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Wow, this thread has to be the most popular thread that was ever created on OhioRiders. Congrats Putty!

Anyway, I really don't have an opinion on this subject but I do have a similar story...

I was having PC problems a few years ago and couldn't pinpoint it. I called a bunch of places from the yellow pages and everyone wanted to charge an arm/leg. Someone told me of a little PC shop on the left side of Micro Center on Bethel Road. I took my processor and motherboard there and wanted them to see if either/both were fried. The guy at the counter said he could test both for me for....ironically...$10 (no lie). Since I need this done (I didn't want to buy both if I didn't have to), I paid the $10. The guy takes my PC in to the back room...returns laughing in a few minutes. He said not only is the processor fried, the processor fried his motherboard. Here's the good part...he gave me my $10 back!!!

Anyway, I think the employee that waited on Putty at HNW made up his own costs for the service and that he was going to pocket this money for lunch. I doubt anything costs an exact $10 or that there is a documented fee for removing 2 bolts/screws. So maybe the employee should be chastised and not the company?

That's the beauty of a free marketplace, IMO. Somebody would pay $10 for this service...Putty wouldn't...and he didn't have to since he knows someone who would do it for free.

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Guest MotoGP Tix
Oh....This summer when I got my dirtbike sprocket changed...I took to Hinds....again just the tire cause the screws/nuts holding that stock sprocket on must have been welded....They removed EVERYONE for free...even the ones I half rounded. Gave me replacements and installed the new sprocket. Little things is how youre nice to people to get great word of mouth repeat business.

Then why didnt you reward them with a request for more freebies... Or atleast go back and cost them some more money..

Ive decided to send a bill for 10 bux to you putty...

20 minutes of my life I just cant get back and you need to pay, sawry...

Where do I send the bill

I am also sending a bill to Duke for screwing up my bracket last year. And to Indy for not beating titans to deprive Ohio of playoffs ( good thing Im a steeler fan though )

I also want a refund for the headlight my wife had put in at a dealer when all she wanted was an oil change...


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Then why didnt you reward them with a request for more freebies... Or atleast go back and cost them some more money..

Ive decided to send a bill for 10 bux to you putty...

20 minutes of my life I just cant get back and you need to pay, sawry...

Where do I send the bill

I am also sending a bill to Duke for screwing up my bracket last year. And to Indy for not beating titans to deprive Ohio of playoffs ( good thing Im a steeler fan though )

I also want a refund for the headlight my wife had put in at a dealer when all she wanted was an oil change...



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Then why didnt you reward them with a request for more freebies... Or atleast go back and cost them some more money..

Ive decided to send a bill for 10 bux to you putty...

20 minutes of my life I just cant get back and you need to pay, sawry...

Where do I send the bill

I am also sending a bill to Duke for screwing up my bracket last year. And to Indy for not beating titans to deprive Ohio of playoffs ( good thing Im a steeler fan though )

I also want a refund for the headlight my wife had put in at a dealer when all she wanted was an oil change...



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Holy shite, I waisted 30-40 minutes of my life and I'm still debating if I need to write something.

The truth is:

1. Putty needs to flame away and who are we to rain on his parade? For him, it's about principle, not $10. if it's about the $10, still, don't rain on his parade. If you were in his shoes, you would do the same thing. That means: FUCK OFF!

2. Even something appears to be 'free', NO, nothing is free, even sex is not free. ask your g/f or wife!

3. This is my promise: (if there's an opportunity) I WILL buy lunch/beer for the moderator because he pays for this running site b/c nothing is free, right?

4. However, we at discount tires, do our community free service: free flat repair (if it's repairable). Do you know how many customers come back to buy tires from us? That's why we are the largest. At the end, no, it's not free because customers indirectly, pay for the service from buying tires.

5. I learn from the past, "don't flame away in this site because you will be shot down!". But, did I just flame away? he he he.

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Holy shite, I waisted 30-40 minutes of my life and I'm still debating if I need to write something.

The truth is:

1. Putty needs to flame away and who are we to rain on his parade? For him, it's about principle, not $10. if it's about the $10, still, don't rain on his parade. If you were in his shoes, you would do the same thing. That means: FUCK OFF!

2. Even something appears to be 'free', NO, nothing is free, even sex is not free. ask your g/f or wife!

3. This is my promise: (if there's an opportunity) I WILL buy lunch/beer for the moderator because he pays for this running site b/c nothing is free, right?

4. However, we at discount tires, do our community free service: free flat repair (if it's repairable). Do you know how many customers come back to buy tires from us? That's why we are the largest. At the end, no, it's not free because customers indirectly, pay for the service from buying tires.

5. I learn from the past, "don't flame away in this site because you will be shot down!". But, did I just flame away? he he he.

Quoting this so everyone can read it. You're buying me lunch. Sweet. :metal:

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I changed the title of this thread due to the enormous amount of people who think it is retarded. No since having a thread with the word FUCK in the title floating around the top of the recent posts. I know, flame on Flounder and Putty. Tell me I'm abusing my powers or whatever.

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I changed the title of this thread due to the enormous amount of people who think it is retarded. No since having a thread with the word FUCK in the title floating around the top of the recent posts. I know, flame on Flounder and Putty. Tell me I'm abusing my powers or whatever.

Im fine with it... Considering it would be on the main page frequently.

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