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Have you ever hit an animal on your motorcycle?


Have you ever hit an animal on your motorcycle?  

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  1. 1. Have you ever hit an animal on your motorcycle?

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  Big Chief201 said:
I remember our group ride awhile back where you (Ben) got tagged pretty good by a bird. That same day I ran through some rotting carcass, my bike smelled nice after that.

Are you talking about the charlie-horse day? I think I cried. :lol:

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I hit a rabbit; I think it was a suicide. That thing bolted across the street, and budump, right over it.

I've had many close calls with deer. I hate when they stop and stare at me on the side of the road as I'm sitting there waiting for them to finally bolt away. I just lay on the horn until they are out of sight.

One time a deer crossed the road in front of me, and into the ditch and I figured it was staying there, but it decided to bolt at my car once I started to go again. It was killed from the impact. My car hood launched it.

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Not really, lots of close calls. Unless you want to count that really weird ride down the mountain that ran over thousands of snails, cockroaches and frogs.

edit: wait.. I've had birds fly into the side of the front wheel. Didn't go well for them...

Edited by ReconRat
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I came close to getting a squirrel in Indy on Sunday morning. Looked to my left to check for cars prior to lane change, when I look back in my lane there is a squirrel doing his best John Belushi impression, on the steps going into the deans office, about 5 feet in front of. I thought I had him but I just missed according to my buddy I was ridding with. I laughed the rest of the way to the track with vision of those beady eyes all bugged out and dancing back and forth.

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Never hit anything but have come very close. One night about 2 in the morning I had to swerve a freshly hit dear on while on a very dark section of I75. Did have to duck to miss a bird one other time but besides that I haven't had that misfortune yet.

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  Scruit said:
Took out a ton of bugs, nothing furry.

Took out a deer in my subaru - but didn't actually hit it with my car - the drywall on the roof rack broke free under heavy braking and nailed the deer. :D

It's stories like that which make me want to drive around with a GoPro always recording.

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  Casper said:
It's stories like that which make me want to drive around with a GoPro always recording.

Even more fun was the inconspicuous Chevy Malibu that drove past slowly, then turned around and suddenly lit up like a christmas tree in sparkly blue. :(

The car parked behind me providing me some safety cover, two guys got out and helped me load up again. I asked if they were with the sheriff's office and they just said; "Nah, we're with the state, have a nice night." :wtf:

Not only did I nearly hit my bag limit with sheetrock, but the Men In Black helped me clean up the mess.

Wish I knew what dept they were with so I can send a thankyou. :cool:

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  Scruit said:
Even more fun was the inconspicuous Chevy Malibu that drove past slowly, then turned around and suddenly lit up like a christmas tree in sparkly blue. :(

The car parked behind me providing me some safety cover, two guys got out and helped me load up again. I asked if they were with the sheriff's office and they just said; "Nah, we're with the state, have a nice night." :wtf:

Not only did I nearly hit my bag limit with sheetrock, but the Men In Black helped me clean up the mess.

Wish I knew what dept they were with so I can send a thankyou. :cool:

That's awesome.

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Almost got taken out by Bambi and his homies on US-16 headed toward Yellowstone in '07. Got lucky but it was a freaky moment to see those things in a group.

Bird bounced off my front fender on my way to Ohio Bike Week this year, but it kept on going.

Only critter I killed was a rabbit that ran in front of my Ford Taurus (previous car) as I was in leaving the drop-off zone of my high school. Thought it was going to make it underneath the car but it got taken out by the rear driver's side wheel.

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