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Wanna Ride coshocton


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Is there like a secret code to access them? Like Open Sesame Street????

im so clever :)

It's really difficult finding the curvy roads in Coshocton, there are sooooo many. More than any other region in the world. There are more roads than pubic hairs on an Albanian sailor, and the good ones are guarded by gnomes & trolls, punji-pits and deadly boulders that descend upon you if you make a wrong step.

Sure, you could fire up google maps, choose the ones that look interesting and have it figured out in about 8 minutes, but it's more fun to pry it out of the locals who feel they have discovered magical highways far from the public domain, maintained by elves and motorcycle fairies.

Just be sure never to share the secret, or the roads will dissolve like sugar in the rain.


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