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Sunday Afternoon Ride


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Today and last Sunday, I got out for a ride and thought I'd share the route that I took.


Summary of the route:

I left here and took some back roads to SR 3, just outside of Mt. Vernon.

I went through Mt. Vernon, and back out on 36.

36 to 62 East.

62 to 206 South.

206 to 715 East.

715 to 36 West to 79 South.

79 South, all the way in to Newark, then refueled, and headed home via 657 to county roads back home.

Most of the roads were not straight, which kept it from being boring, but there was nothing uber intense, making it a relaxing ride. I'm sure that picking up the pace a bit would change that, but I wasn't looking to wear myself out.

There were LOT's of bikes out today! Everyone must be trying to get all the riding time in that they can before the cold sets in!

Also, a shout out to whoever posted up about the Instamapper website, phone app, and JCMathis for turning me on to ridewithgps.com. I never thought I would want to track my rides, but now I really like it! I just need to remember to start the tracking when I leave the house, not 12 miles into the ride!

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HAha... instamapper loaded and ready to roll.

What's the best interval of seconds between transmissions?

I picked 120 = 2 minutes

I haven't messed with it, so that's the default ~30 sec. When live tracking is on, I think it's 5 secs. So far, the 30 sec interval has been pretty good. If I wanted to track speed better, a closer interval would help, but that's not so important for me right now. Also, I'm not so sure I like having the speed transmitted, even though I like to know that.

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I haven't messed with it, so that's the default ~30 sec. When live tracking is on, I think it's 5 secs. So far, the 30 sec interval has been pretty good. If I wanted to track speed better, a closer interval would help, but that's not so important for me right now. Also, I'm not so sure I like having the speed transmitted, even though I like to know that.

I created 3 email for the SMS remote start/stop/single in gmail and saved them by sending. So just have to edit and forward to execute. Just messing around.

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how did you like the chip an seal on 715? Fucking pricks ruined an awesome road!

Today was the third time I've been on it since the chip n seal job. It sux. I had a lot more confidence on it today, it's a bit unnerving not knowing if there's gravel in a turn, or if that's just the surface, but I managed pretty well.

I almost had a Kawi Kid episode on 206, and then not a half mile further, I almost got spooked by some gravel in a curve. I rode through it, and made myself look up to keep from fixating on it. A couple good experiences to learn from.

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Rode 715 and 206 a week ago, and was not impressed with the road surface conditions at all, we took them pretty slow.

Slow for you is probably still fast for me! :lol:

206 was fine, other than a deer crossing my path, then there was a little gravel in one of the corners, I forget exactly which one, but it was a pretty hard right, going southbound. 715 isn't as bad as it looks.

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