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RC51, a good touring bike?


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Either way I still want the monster!

Been eye balling one in Pataskala Ohio for sometime now.

Beautiful bike! Has a bad CDI... True or not I do not know?

Anyway. I have been lusting after this thing for a while now. Bought the Katana as a basketcase, to rebuild and sell maybe pull a little profit on to put towards the RC.

So is the RC51 a good "sport" bike/ Sport touring bike?

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Not at all. The RC is a purpose built track bike that makes just enough compromises to be a friendly sportbike on the road. It's hot, uncomfortable, and only happy on backroads. But, if your idea it to take it out of the garage on a weekend, head straight to the nearest country roads, and thrash the hell out of it then it's a very rewarding bike.

I still want an SP2 after riding my roommate's.

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^ +1

I love my RC but there is no way I'd tour on it. Don's right in that it loves the backroads and twisties, though be prepared for a workout if you are flinging it left and right all day. For touring and 2 up riding I'll be looking for a Viffer next year, but for fun, the RC is a nice ride.

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Not at all. The RC is a purpose built track bike that makes just enough compromises to be a friendly sportbike on the road. It's hot, uncomfortable, and only happy on backroads. But, if your idea it to take it out of the garage on a weekend, head straight to the nearest country roads, and thrash the hell out of it then it's a very rewarding bike.

I still want an SP2 after riding my roommate's.

x50 million

I had the pleasure of getting to take a buddy of mines RC51 out for a little bit and there is no way in hell I'd want to sight see on that thing. Absolutely amazing machine that I immediately fell in love with but definitely a true supersport

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I've always liked the RC51 (there's always a spot in my heart for sport V-Twins), but from a touring aspect I couldn't see myself in that position for hours at a time. I wonder if they make Heli Bars for it.

if I recall correctly, I think I remember hearing somewhere that due to the ergnomics of the front end they either can't be added or requires A LOT of modification. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

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if I recall correctly, I think I remember hearing somewhere that due to the ergnomics of the front end they either can't be added or requires A LOT of modification. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

I believe the upper cage gets in the way.


And even if you sort out the bars, the pegs are still high, the seat is still a plank to sit on, and the heat coming off the radiators in traffic will give you 1st degree burns.

God how I love that bike. lol

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from my limited understanding of it, they made that bike to compete with duc's 916/996/998 offerings, and aprilia's rsv1000r (and probably others).

compared to my 998s and rsvr factory, the ergos are maybe a itty titty bit better, but not by much.

i should probably buy one to complete the triforce, and piizb

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from my limited understanding of it, they made that bike to compete with duc's 916/996/998 offerings, and aprilia's rsv1000r (and probably others).

compared to my 998s and rsvr factory, the ergos are maybe a itty titty bit better, but not by much.

i should probably buy one to complete the triforce, and piizb

The Ape is actually much roomier and more comfy than the RC. After swapping and putting more than a couple miles on each other's bikes, Aaron and I agree. The Ape is a great all around'er that can flex muscle when needed, and the RC is the hardcore track knife.

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:D without a doubt. I do have a fairly curvy road I drive going to work and coming home. Could be fun? I am only 14 miles from work and if we move and buy the other house we are looking at it will only be 18-20 miles.

I have just been in love with the V-twins ever since I saw this wicked TL1000R on the rack at Iron Pony one day. Thing sounded freaking awesome and looked like a million dollars too.

But it was a Suzi and I cant stand the Kat I have now... Want to sell that thing so bad it's not funny. Almost have too much money in it to part with though. I have always been a Honda rider. Just got a good deal and HAD to by the Katana... If it sells I still think I will get the RC I just love them too much to say no? :rolleyes:

But I really do appreciate all the comments!

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:D without a doubt. I do have a fairly curvy road I drive going to work and coming home. Could be fun? I am only 14 miles from work and if we move and buy the other house we are looking at it will only be 18-20 miles.

I have just been in love with the V-twins ever since I saw this wicked TL1000R on the rack at Iron Pony one day. Thing sounded freaking awesome and looked like a million dollars too.

But it was a Suzi and I cant stand the Kat I have now... Want to sell that thing so bad it's not funny. Almost have too much money in it to part with though. I have always been a Honda rider. Just got a good deal and HAD to by the Katana... If it sells I still think I will get the RC I just love them too much to say no? :rolleyes:

But I really do appreciate all the comments!

If you want the RC for it's V-twin, sexy, looks, and sportbike nature I say go for it! Just don't come to us crying about how uncomfortable it is. :D

Riding one was an awesome experience, it's quite a raw bike. Like RVTPilot said, it'll give you a good workout throwing it from side to side, it makes ridiculous torque, it's hot, it's uncomfortable, but if you put it in the right setting it'll give you the biggest shit-eating-grin you can get. I kind of equate it to a Dodge Viper, rough around the edges but never ceases to amaze.

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:D without a doubt. I do have a fairly curvy road I drive going to work and coming home. Could be fun? I am only 14 miles from work and if we move and buy the other house we are looking at it will only be 18-20 miles.

I have just been in love with the V-twins ever since I saw this wicked TL1000R on the rack at Iron Pony one day. Thing sounded freaking awesome and looked like a million dollars too.

But it was a Suzi and I cant stand the Kat I have now... Want to sell that thing so bad it's not funny. Almost have too much money in it to part with though. I have always been a Honda rider. Just got a good deal and HAD to by the Katana... If it sells I still think I will get the RC I just love them too much to say no? :rolleyes:

But I really do appreciate all the comments!

Then RC is a very cool 2nd bike and will burn the twistys to shreads - I still lust for one. But if you really want sport and some touring, a VFR800 is the way to go. With a suspension upgrade, its a respectable twisty bike. But then you'll have no problem spending a week on the road burning up mountains in several states. - Pretty much why I own one. btw - with a slip-on they sound awesome.

Good luck with the RC - it's still a badass bike.

Edited by mello dude
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I say no, not touring. But a 919 is equivalent performance, and you can put bags and gear all over one of those and tour with that in comfort. That VFR is also equivalent, and has touring written all over it. Wouldn't have to change much with a VFR.

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I can't think of any example of a bike that was made to road race (and actually won) that makes a good tourer...

Attempting to adapt an RC51 for some other purpose may be possible, but you're always going to be left with a bike that's been designed for something else. Why go to all the trouble when there are so many great touring bikes?

Frankly, for mere mortals like us, I wouldn't even call an RC a great track bike. It performs well - no argument there, but they're semi rare (parts are expensive), and they don't crash well.

Anyone who rides on the track long enough is going to crash, and I defy you to lay down an RC51 without destroying one of those stupid side-mounted radiators and ending your day; only to go home and spend a bunch on eBay to replace it.

the only way I'd track an RC51 is with the front-mount radiator kit like the race teams used. When a race team changes a design, it tells me the factory screwed up or had to compromise something for streetability.

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They call it the "Baby Goldwing" for a reason

I say put some soft luggage & highway pegs on & go for it!

They call it a "Baby Goldwing" because it weighs so damn much! Heavy bike...

Fun, though and really, if Honda would have kept at it, they could have made that bike into something really special. But, alas... Honda in typical fashion built it and left it be...

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