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I saw a dog get run over on my way home tonight. The driver didn't hit the brakes, didn't swerve around the dog, didn't even stop to see if the dog was okay.

They had plenty of room to maneuver, or stop or do anything... But they didn't. Just hit the dog straight on.

I get not being able to stop on the freeway or in another situation where it would cause an accident, but doing 35 with no cars around you? Come on. I don't get it. It's a living thing, what does that say about a person when they treat life with such disdain?

(note: I stopped and moved the dog out of the street. There was no tag, so I couldn't take it to the owners. It was a little jack russell looking dog, so if anyone hears a friend or co-worker or whoever wondering what happened to their dog: it's dead, but it didn't look like it suffered. Sorry.)

Rant over. I had to vent, and no one in the house is awake.

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That's fucked up! It's been said a million times before but people fucking suck. Probably some asshat texting or talking on their cell and not paying attention. Hopefully karma shows up in their life in the near future.

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I saw a dog get run over on my way home tonight. The driver didn't hit the brakes, didn't swerve around the dog, didn't even stop to see if the dog was okay.

People just suck, they hit other PEOPLE on motorcycles and don't stop!

Humanity is just sick. :mad:

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.. Probably some asshat texting or talking on their cell and not paying attention. Hopefully karma shows up in their life in the near future.

I almost hope that is the reason. Because if the reason is really they didn't care and wanted to hit the dog...:nono::wtf:

The world needs a vigilante to take care of the vermin.

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Michael Vick even thinks this driver is a jerk for killing the dog.


Seriously though, the driver probably didn't see it until too late, probably not paying attention.

I'll probably hear some backlash and flaming over this, but...

The driver's not the only one at fault, the owner shouldn't have let the dog run loose. No excuses. WAY too many pet owners are not responsible for their pets. If the dog happened to be a stray, that backs up what I say.

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People suck. I'm a huge dog lover, I can't even comprehend that.

The world needs a vigilante to take care of the vermin.

Are you talking about someone like Sweeney Todd?

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit

and it's filled with people who are filled with shit!

And the vermin of the world inhabit it!

Edited by chevysoldier
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I wouldn't have stopped but to check my car. I'm definitely coming off like a jackass here, but there is no reason for a dog to be in the road. I've hit plenty of vermin, from coons, to possums, to frogs, the occasional snapping turtle, turkeys, and deer. To me a stray dog is no different.

scenario 1, owner's fault: didn't properly leash, house, or train the dog. Their fault.

scenario 2, stray... if it was dumb enough to be in the road then it was too stupid to survive anyway, go darwin.

If we keep killing animals that get in the way of cars then the only ones left to survive will be the ones with an instinct to check before crossing.

Edited by magley64
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Sorry I was taught as a truck driver don't swerve or brake for animals in the road. So the dog be damned for being there. I would have run it over and kept going as it should have never been there and I sure as hell am not swerving with the chance of losing control or wrecking my vehicle.

Edited by Wheezle
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There's no excuse for just driving off. You may not be able to avoid hitting the animal but why not stop to at least check for damage to your vehicle and condition of the animal? Besides if your vehicle is damaged I'd like to know who's dog it is so I can have my insurance go after them for damages.

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Sorry I was taught as a truck driver don't swerve or brake for animals in the road. So the dog be damned for being there. I would have run it over and kept going as it should have never been there and I sure as hell am not swerving with the chance of losing control or wrecking my vehicle.

if using your brakes at 35mph is going to cause you to lose control of your vehicle, then you suck at driving and should not be going anywhere.

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if using your brakes at 35mph is going to cause you to lose control of your vehicle, then you suck at driving and should not be going anywhere.

unless we're talking black ice conditions, I agree here...

My experiences were almost exclusively open highway hits, 55-65

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When I was in driver's ed the instructor told us that dogs were legally considered property, and if you hit one it was property damage, but we could smoosh cats all we want. The flipside to dogs being property is that the owners are responsible for anything they do.

I don't even know if this is true, I just thought the smooshing cats part was funny. That is the word he used.

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I ran over a dog and it fucked me up because I am a dog owner and love dogs. 17.5 years of driving it was one time in 2005. I was out in the country and came over a hill at 55mph and it had no chance. I couldn't stop thinking about that damn dog squealing and feeling him under my car hitting. Nothing I could have done by stopping. 911 wouldn't give a shit and I'm certainly not a vet. Finding the owners? Most likely that will get you in some shit. Lots of people will pull a weapon on you if you said you killed their pet or try to assault you. It's not worth it. I myself would be irate if someone came to my door telling me they killed my dog. In all honesty, I don't see the point. Humans...stop and call 911 immediately. Dogs, stop and pull it off the road into the ditch so it doesn't get hit again.

One other domestic animal I hit once was this damn cat that launched itself from a yard into my front wheel. I was like,"WTF was that about?!". Came out of nowhere and FAST. There was a woman that witnessed the whole thing and I asked her if that was her cat and she said, "No." and continued on raking leaves like there wasn't a dead cat right in front of her. It was a weird scene.

I agree with Magley and the others a bit as well I guess.

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The more people I hear about the more I like my dogs. It's probably not like the owner of the dog that got run down opened the door & said have fun on the streets boy. I hope that whoever did this gets what they deserve in the future. Thanks for stopping to see what you could do.

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My brothers dog went missing 5 days ago. My dad found her yesterday half dead, too weak to move, laying in the cattails in the back yard pond with a broken back leg, liver failing and internal infection. She's still at the vets and his wife wouldn't let the vet put her down. 50/50 on mortality

Thanks for stopping, would have prevented this. Unless it's the pond monster again since the elderly lady who lived in his house was found dead in the same pond. It's 300 yards from the road.

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