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What do you enjoy about the holidays?


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Since it so slow on here right now, I'll try to spark a little bit of friendly conversation.

What do you enjoy about the holiday season? Any special memories you have?

Well for me it's got to be spending time with family. You reach a certain point in your life and you realize that Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't about the food or presents, it's about spending time with those you love and care about. Don't get me wrong, I love the food but it's family and friends that are important to me.

We used to go to my grandparents on Christmas Eve. My dad's side of the family would all go over their for dinner and presents. Every grandkid had their own spot in the family room where the presents would be sitting. Since my grandpa died in Sept 2001, the family stopped staying in touch. He really kept everyone together. My grandma still has the chair (shes's in a condo now) where my presents were always placed. After my little sister was born, her presents went on the matching stool. Every time I visit her, I have a lot of good memories when I look at the chair.

Now that I am married the something else I enjoy about this season is that my wife gets to visit with her family. We either go to PA or her parents come down here. It's great to see her so happy spending time with her mom and dad. She doesn't get to see them a lot, so these times are very special to her.

Anyone have anything else they'd like to share?

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I like not having to work, sleeping in, spending time with family.

Same here, but other than my wife - I have no family. So just hanging out with her for a week is always fun.

We usually take a trip somewhere the week of Xmas 'til New year's. This year will be the Grand Canyon and Xmas in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the traditional Burnin' Bunghole Burrito Xmas dinner.:)

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Same here, but other than my wife - I have no family. So just hanging out with her for a week is always fun.

We usually take a trip somewhere the week of Xmas 'til New year's. This year will be the Grand Canyon and Xmas in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the traditional Burnin' Bunghole Burrito Xmas dinner.:)

If you have time while your at the Grand Canyon, you should check out the Painted Desert. http://www.arizona-leisure.com/painted-desert.html It's really pretty.

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If you have time while your at the Grand Canyon, you should check out the Painted Desert. http://www.arizona-leisure.com/painted-desert.html It's really pretty.

Thanks - I've seen it before although the wife hasn't. Hope there's not a lot of snow on the ground. Was out there 2 years ago for Xmas and it was about 3 feet deep.:wtf:

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Same here, but other than my wife - I have no family. So just hanging out with her for a week is always fun.

We usually take a trip somewhere the week of Xmas 'til New year's. This year will be the Grand Canyon and Xmas in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the traditional Burnin' Bunghole Burrito Xmas dinner.:)

No family? You got me

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