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Whats the catch


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So I have been considering getting a new bike for a while now. Main issues have been money, I have no off street parking, and finding a bike that is comfortable. My roommate has a gsxr 600 that fit fairly nice and I sat on the gsxr 1000 that honda northwest has ( I fell in love) . In my boredom I came across this guy http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2109859729.html I don't have 2500 but for that price I would be willing to take out a small loan. I haven't done much research into the bikes so I wouldn't know what to look for as far as common issues. Any one willing to e-mail this guy for me and see whats going on ( divorce, has a lean, rebuilt title).

PS I know gixxer's are squid bikes but I am not a douche bag trying to impress someone, I just want a bike that is comfortable to ride.

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Scam Scam Scam.

Send an e-mail to them and you are going to get one back saying something along the lines of I am in the service stationed in Germany and the bike is in California. Just send me a money order for $2,500.00 and I will ship you the bike.

I can't believe dishonest assholes are still doing shit like this.

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Yeah, looks like that post was a scam, but there are some great deals on bikes right now. I was at Competition Accessories a few days ago and there was a couple of new R6 (0-miles) for like $7,500/each (retail for like 10,500). There was some really good deals on the used bikes too. I noticed that a lot of the prices on the http://www.ridemotorcyclesinc.com/ website seem higher than what I saw the other day.

I bet the deals at ORDN sponsors are excellent also considering the weather.

Good luck on your search for a new bike.

Edited by alienpi
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I figured it was to good to be true but these deals occasionally do come true. Buddy of mine got a 50th anniversary r6, wife was selling it in a divorce, he got for around 2500. I may look into princess's once weather is looking a little better. I have zero intention of getting a sv of any kind

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the 05-06 636's price seem to have plummeted pretty good. The one I had I picked up for cheap and it was like brand new. I thought it was much more comfortable than my 600RR. I'd look into some of those honestly

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I figured it was to good to be true but these deals occasionally do come true. Buddy of mine got a 50th anniversary r6, wife was selling it in a divorce, he got for around 2500. I may look into princess's once weather is looking a little better. I have zero intention of getting a sv of any kind

Why not an SV?

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