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It's warm today, who's riding?


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I'm just getting back in. I put on 200-250 miles today. Was a great day to ride. Would have been out longer, but still having some side effects that was starting to risk my safety. Now I'm home.. Resting up.. With another possible ride later if side effects go away.

Never did hear where my cookies were going to be... So I came home cookieless! The horror, I know!

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yup just got back from a nice little ride. Probably saw a dozen or so bikes. Its gonna take me longer to clean this thing than I was out riding for but I needed that

That's me except came home clean. Couldn't believe it. 63°. Draggin' jeans, leather jacket, wind proof gloves - could'a stayed out all day if I didn't have anything else to do.

You never know when you're gonna get em but the windows open and you can ride. Last January I got 2.5 hours in over 3 days.

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I usually would not get any of my bikes out due to the salt still being on the roads, but as expected I have no discipline when there is a bike setting in the garage I have hardly ridden... I finally got to ride the SV for a decent amount of time today, great day to ride...The SV has a little pep to it...LOL!!!:D

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days like this make me laugh at people who winterize bikes! :p

Agreed. There is absolutely no reason to winterize your bike in Ohio, unless you're trying to preserve it for the AMA museum. Weather out here is not shitty enough to justify even one drop of Sta-Bil.

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I have been riding every day this week. The 13F temps this morning led to some frosting of my face shield but what the heck. Any ride beats driving a car. You can always tell my bike - it is the dirty one. I prefer to spend my time on my bike instead of looking at it!

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I missed the warm weekend last week. Wasn't able to ride at all. I did get it out little bit ago. WOW, thats some cold wind. I was playing big guy and didn't have anything on except a jacket. I got maybe a quarter mile down the road and my head was hurting so bad. Gotta cover those naked body places thats for sure.

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