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Shallowtail @ Flannagan's 1-22. Be there or you are the reason puppies die.


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Come get warmed up for the big party next weekend at Buddy's with your favorite rock cover band, Shallowtail.

Yeah, I know I've been a bit incognito lately, but I've been tied up in the basement covered in apple butter and candy corns, been hard to get online lately.


This will be our last show until March. We are taking some time off to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves, and we are using the time to

write some Shallowtail originals that we hope to debut soon.

We are also hoping to play Flannagan's annual St. Patricks' Day Bash, and we want to show them our friends and followers are

the best possible crowd they could ask for.

So come on out to Flannagan's this Saturday to hang out, drink, party and dance with us, we need your support and it's always nice to see our friends.

Please mention this to anyone you know that might be interested and feel free to bring a friend or 20. :) Hope to see you there!

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Its been a minute since I hit Arts show, suppose I'll need to hit this one. Now that I is single I can chase the dancing girls

Like you hit Tilted Kilt last week? Sorry, I guess I shouldn't give you shit since I don't know you - look forward to meeting you sometime.

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Hey I made Tilted Kilt tonight where were you? I will make this one though, there is a lady I want to meet up with there.

Tis true. WT also ate a massive amount of spaghetti. For real it was a huge plate covered in chili.

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