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Apple did it again....


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I didn't even want their IPOD....went with a sony mp3 player instead. Again, don't get me wrong...if I had the money and I could get past the distaste for the company, I would get a new apple laptop that has windows 7 installed and then I would have the best of all options....but $2500+ just is more than I am willing to spend on one.

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well first of all, this is an Apple thread. why would anyone have on their mind BMW removed the dipstick on their 3 series ? and any vehicle i have owned or ever will own i change my own oil. BMW did that so you have to bring the car to the dealer. buddy of mines father many years ago took his vehicle to Jiffy Lube and one of their incompetent employees put oil in the radiator.

:wtf: That was stupid

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I didn't even want their IPOD....went with a sony mp3 player instead. Again, don't get me wrong...if I had the money and I could get past the distaste for the company, I would get a new apple laptop that has windows 7 installed and then I would have the best of all options....but $2500+ just is more than I am willing to spend on one.

weird, i have this exact setup you are describing, yet i didn't spend 2500 dollars...

parallels, the best of both worlds... for much less than 2500 dollars :D

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where are you getting that price from?

directly from the apple site with those same or similar specs:

13" mbp, 4Gb ram w/ 320Gb HD = 1500, add in a new internal from newegg for a 500 or greater = 1600 at best.

15" matched with those specs 2199

even the massive 17" with i7 2.53Ghz and 4/500 is 2299.

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well first of all, this is an Apple thread. why would anyone have on their mind BMW removed the dipstick on their 3 series ? and any vehicle i have owned or ever will own i change my own oil. BMW did that so you have to bring the car to the dealer. buddy of mines father many years ago took his vehicle to Jiffy Lube and one of their incompetent employees put oil in the radiator.

Saab uses a Trionic 8 ECM for their vehicles. It's adaptive, and learns what's not right so if you try to make changes to it, it'll revert back to what it's programmed to do. Duramax's Allison transmission has the ability to basically do what it wants and if you try to command something different (even through EFI Live) it may still do what it wants. BMW uses an ECU that can detect a non-factory calibration loaded in on the S54 engines and can basically find a way to keep things where the factory cal is.

My point being, these are measures that are created by manufacturers to keep people from easily messing with shit and then when something bad happens they bring it back and try to cry foul and want their warranty. Apple is no different in the aspect. So why all the bitching? It's quite retarded. If you want to find your way around the issue, do it by buying the right tools and quit your bitching.

That's what a missing dipstick has to do with this thread.

Now. GTFO.

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^ So does that mean you agree with me? Lol

Does the Malibu not have a dipstick? Because if so, I'm setting fire to the GM plant I'm sitting in right now.

The dipstick on Malibus are located in the drivers seat.

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My sister wants to go to film school so she bought one and has made a few movies (no porn). Other than that purpose I dont see why someone would want to spend the money for one...

They lost me when they had a new product out a year or so back and wouldnt accept cash, you had to pay by card. When in business you accept any form of payment. Just my .02

***edit*** didnt realize this thread was so long. Guess I've missed a few posts, lol. Damn nyquil!

Edited by Monstrosity
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My sister wants to go to film school so she bought one and has made a few movies (no porn). Other than that purpose I dont see why someone would want to spend the money for one...

They lost me when they had a new product out a year or so back and wouldnt accept cash, you had to pay by card. When in business you accept any form of payment. Just my .02

***edit*** didnt realize this thread was so long. Guess I've missed a few posts, lol. Damn nyquil!

they only do that to avoid long lines and getting customers in and out quick so the next person can buy their new trend.

i understand accepting any form of payment, however when apple has that many people coming in and out of the store during launch week of any of their products, id rather have a quick sale with credit and on to the next customer in line than waiting on someone to handle cash and count and return change.

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they only do that to avoid long lines and getting customers in and out quick so the next person can buy their new trend.

i understand accepting any form of payment, however when apple has that many people coming in and out of the store during launch week of any of their products, id rather have a quick sale with credit and on to the next customer in line than waiting on someone to handle cash and count and return change.

I semi understand that. I'm sure it helps with quick change and everyone's drawer should be dead on. However I'm just old school when it comes to money. Plus your just swinging a door wide open for people to bitch and make a big deal over the policy. Then they will demand money off or a gift card or something for compensation.

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I just bought a macbook pro....its ok. As far as design/looks and functionality its far better than most I looked at. The inertia scrolling and trackpad kickass. Not a big fan of OSx but I guess that comes with time (seems to limit what I can do). If it sucks I'll sell it in a year and buy another thinkpad.

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random thought:

I'm considering getting a iPad or an android tablet. the cost of the android is about 1/3 the price of the iPad. But the pad seems to be good unit to demo on to a client vs the android. :sheepkoolaid:

/random thought

Ok back to regularly scheduled thread

I have an Ipad and love it...yeah I have heard all of the "it's just a huge Ipod touch" remarks, but it really is a great product imo. The only gripe that is legit is about the lack of Flash support...but in all honesty I hardly ever notice it isn't there. There are a few times that I wish I could have Flash for sites like Hulu, but that is it. Even so, Hulu has an app which plays the content in HTML5 but as of now it is still not very rich in content and is a paid subscription service. I think Steve Jobs is right on with his statement that Flash is on the way out and that HTML5 is the way of the future so this will be a non issue in a few years anyway. Also, I am not an Apple fanboy either, just the opposite actually...I used to gripe about their products all the time until I sat down and actually used a Mac/Ipad/Ipod and they all work flawlessly with great user interfaces. I really enjoy their products now and will more than likely replace my old laptop with a used Mac when it dies.

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I just bought a macbook pro....its ok. As far as design/looks and functionality its far better than most I looked at. The inertia scrolling and trackpad kickass. Not a big fan of OSx but I guess that comes with time (seems to limit what I can do). If it sucks I'll sell it in a year and buy another thinkpad.

OSx definitely grows on you, takes about two weeks to fully transfer from windows to the new operating system.

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It's PC hardware you can get anywhere...

That is only part way true. Sure it is the same in name but for a mfg to supply Apple they must use Apple's QC process, which is arguable the best in the industry.

Even in the Winblows world brand matters, example, Every EVGA video card I have seen is junk, but BFG and XFX are both kick ass mfgs. Sure they are all selling the same nVidia GPU, but BFG and XFX use a higher quality supporting components and has a better QC process. This same requirement to a high QA process is why Apple has the rep of rock solid hardware. I would go on to add, every system I have hand built is just as rock solid as any Apple.

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That is only part way true. Sure it is the same in name but for a mfg to supply Apple they must use Apple's QC process, which is arguable the best in the industry.

Even in the Winblows world brand matters, example, Every EVGA video card I have seen is junk, but BFG and XFX are both kick ass mfgs. Sure they are all selling the same nVidia GPU, but BFG and XFX use a higher quality supporting components and has a better QC process. This same requirement to a high QA process is why Apple has the rep of rock solid hardware. I would go on to add, every system I have hand built is just as rock solid as any Apple.

It's completely true. The QC process has nothing to do with it being the same hardware. The point being you can get and build a PC with the same hardware at the same quality (and even better most of the time) if you want without the Apple mark up.

The have a rock solid rep of hardware because they used to use some components that were proprietary to them that were head and shoulders above anything the rest of the PC market had. That was a long time ago. When Intel and others started producing components that were better and more cost effective than what they were having built on their own they made the switch.

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This is where I disagree. The software is bulletproof which is great for me because I'm not really worried about writing my own damn code here. However, the hardware is shit.

My 15" MacBookPro purchased new in August of '07 has gone through:

One motherboard

Four batteries (two in the first year under warranty)

One power adaptor from a shit connector

One SuperDrive (current one works only when it likes to)

And the case is cracking at the bottom left corner of the monitor screen side (WTF?)

Love the software, but the last gen MBP definitely has some cheap-Chinese shit for hardware.

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Macs are PCs and always have been.

Back when I had to deal with desktop support on a decent scale, I had to support Macs along with Windows based machines. We usually saw more issues on average with the Macs (software and hardware) than we typically saw with the Windows machines. Honestly we (the teams I've worked with anyway) didn't see big problems with either for the most part. That goes back to even some 3.x days with Windows.

I've probably been blessed with not working with a ton morons throughout my career so that might have something to do with it.

The OS's are different definitely different though. I can get around either fine, but OSx makes me want to slit my wrists. I just don't like it for some reason. Plenty of options out there for everyone though. If one of my kids wanted a Mac for school I would have no problem (other than cost) getting them one.

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