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Anyone else get a day off....


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I run a construction company and all my guys are outside framing with steel studs in this shit!! makes for a great day of production!! :nono:

I guess so can be said for me scrolling through here instead of estimating!! :D

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What is your business Sinster? What's your store?

Cool that you have your own bizznazz. :cool:

Nope... I work for the man...

I run a Dollar General in Delaware...

I still do a lot of aftermarket and mods on bikes during the riding season as a side biz thu....

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Nope... I work for the man...

I run a Dollar General in Delaware...

I still do a lot of aftermarket and mods on bikes during the riding season as a side biz thu....

Cool deal. I remember you setting displays in the past, when did you stop that?

Also, the side biz sounds FUN. Me love fast bikes and aftermarket parts.:cool:

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it's actually my first day BACK at work this week.

I effed my shoulder/back so badly over hte weekend that it hurt to breath Monday morning. I honestly couldn't have made it to work, or sat there without crying out in pain...

Then I got a fever that night and stayed home yesterday, downing Tylenol cold & sinus and fighting cold sweats. It was a blast.

I basically HAD to come in today to avoid losing my job. I get sick time, but I also work on (partial) commission, and it's my ass if shit doesn't get done. Clients only give a shit for so long when you tell them you're sick and can't make it into the office.

Thankfully SCHOOL is closed today, so I can stay late at work to catch up without missing class.

as a kick in the junk though, our boss sent out a "policy revision" basically taking away 5 vacation days a year from everyone who has been with the company more than 5 years (that would be me). Thanks for that.

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i went in to work, but apparently UPS is closed today and our hub didnt get the memo...all the main hubs are closed, so we did what little work we had, and they sent us home after 2 hours....glad i got up at 3am and drove 15 miles for two whole hours of work

Yeah that decision didnt sit well with OSU and OSUMC

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Yeah that decision didnt sit well with OSU and OSUMC

yea we were all shocked....guy i work with has been there for 30 years and says this is the first time that he remembers it ever closing....ice storm 2 years ago where power was out for days and it was like a crisis etc, we were still open...we didnt even have any power and we were there working in the dark with nothing but a couple generators powering some spot lights....unloaded and carried the boxes everywhere by hand instead of the belts...sucked lol (we have 10 miles worth of belts in our building)

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Most of the time working from home has it's perks. But the sucky part is no matter the weather outside I have work to do. Unless there's not power or something special.

+1. I was sorta hoping to wake up with no power and the Crackberry battery to die but no such luck.

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as a kick in the junk though, our boss sent out a "policy revision" basically taking away 5 vacation days a year from everyone who has been with the company more than 5 years (that would be me). Thanks for that.

Dude, that is sooo wrong. I'm sorry to hear that man. I could never do that to people.

..glad i got up at 3am and drove 15 miles for two whole hours of work

:lol: That would suck.

Called in sick yesterday and today. What a coincidence the weather is sucky. :rolleyes:

Yeah, because you are sick, but now they probably think you're lying because of the weather. I hate how things work out like that sometimes.

musta caught da aids from the weekend


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yea we were all shocked....guy i work with has been there for 30 years and says this is the first time that he remembers it ever closing....ice storm 2 years ago where power was out for days and it was like a crisis etc, we were still open...we didnt even have any power and we were there working in the dark with nothing but a couple generators powering some spot lights....unloaded and carried the boxes everywhere by hand instead of the belts...sucked lol (we have 10 miles worth of belts in our building)

yeah it's about perception, a bunch of fedex trucks drove around empty, mostly doing pickups. We got a lot of phone calls about UPS not showing up and Fedex being there on time.

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