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Valentines Day Ideas


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I was having this same dilemma...

Proflowers.com has a deal where they'll do a dozen red or 2 dozen "assorted" roses for $30. Includes a vase and chocolates. That's a bargain for valentine's day.

But girls seem to TWO major things out of valentine's day:

1) you put thought/effort into it

2) something to show their friends how much better you are then THEIR boyfriend/husband.

The flowers only take care of #2.

for #1, I'm sucking it up and waking up early to make chocolate chip pancakes. If i'm feeling super cheesy, I may even cut them into little heart shapes.

Given that I'm out of the house before she wakes up, i'm just going to leave them in the microwave, set her alarm 10 minutes early, and leave a nice note on the bathroom mirror to ensure she finds the pancakes and has time to eat them before work.

A card is easy enough. I'm probably going to tape that to the back window of her car, so she sees it when she's about to back out of the driveway.

The coup-de-gras will be if I can find a good deal on a (verizon powered) iPhone for her. I know she's going to buy one for herself anyway, so I may as well get the credit for it. IF i can swing that, it'll be in the back of the car when she goes to grab the card.

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^--- iPhone... you spend way too much on females. :eek:

work pays for my iPhone, and now she's totally addicted. I am 100% sure she's going to buy herself one in the next 6 months anyway.

If I drop the $200 on her now, then I at least get the credit for a thoughtful gift, and she can't bitch when I order a set of tires next month.

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If I remember correctly you said you have been with her for 11 years. Go out and buy the damn dozen roses but make her work for them. Set up a scavenger hunt and each place put a rose and a note with a memory or why that place is special i.e. first date, frist kiss, first time you said you loved each other all that bull shit. You will be holding the last rose and give so sappy speech and tell her how much you love her. Later that night PIIHB

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@Redkow - Why would she bitch about how YOU spend YOUR money? :dunno:

But, props to you for being the guy that makes all the other guys "look bad". I know a lot of females that are into that, I'm just curious why you're playing into their hands? I guess I'm not really concerned with "keeping up with" those guys, nor would I want a girl that makes that a priority, when like NinjaNick said, doing things throughout the year should be more important than outspending or putting an exorbitant amount of effort over other guys on one given day.

I'm not hating, I just don't understand it.

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If I remember correctly you said you have been with her for 11 years. Go out and buy the damn dozen roses but make her work for them. Set up a scavenger hunt and each place put a rose and a note with a memory or why that place is special i.e. first date, frist kiss, first time you said you loved each other all that bull shit. You will be holding the last rose and give so sappy speech and tell her how much you love her. Later that night PIIHB

This woman right here...is fucking awesome. A little work is always worth the two-hole.

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you gotta keep up with the styles these days, and anal is the new black.

Toss some glitter on that thing, make sure it's shiny. I hear she loves that.

Leave her a card when you're done. Something heartfelt. "Sorry for your loss", or similar.

V-D '11 - Done.

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Lol, some of these kill me :D I'd give you some advice but I'm off the hook this year. Last night my gf asked if was going to buy her anything... I didnt know how to respond so waited for her. She said lets save the money since were buying a house and lets go out to eat Tuesday instead of Monday. She stated she hates crowds and long waits!

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:lol: quality time.

It's me we're talking about here. The gift would be to send her AWAY so she doesn't have to deal with me for a weekend. :p

^ ^ Trufe!

chivalry IS dead, and women killed it!

AMEN! They killed it for us... But then they still expect to eat their cake too, & bitch incessantly about how they don't get it anymore :eyeroll:

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Alright, at risk of loosing points off my man card I'll bail you out here. A billboard you cheap ass. With the new digital billboards that are up everywhere now it is cheap and easy to rent a billboard for a day or two and many are doing valentines specials. Nothing says I'm better than the other guy and your friends men than a huge neon sign on the highway that she and all her friends will pass on the way to work. Another plus is in my case not only does the new girl Jodi drive the planned route to work, so does her ex and my ex sooooo... I rented 2 along the way to make sure they all saw em :) $99 dollars wisely spent.

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