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Motorcycle Maxx


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Looked around there today. looks nice inside. they def did alot of work from.

the guy i was talking to said they are a full service shop Looney.

Had a real clean RVT on the floor for $4900. had a full D&D system with carbon cans.

Man thats a nice bike! somebody should get that thang. shoulda snapped a pic. Sry.

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  jagr said:
Had a real clean RVT on the floor for $4900. had a full D&D system with carbon cans.

Man thats a nice bike! somebody should get that thang. shoulda snapped a pic. Sry.

:wtf: Did anyone tell you the mileage on that thing?

Those F'ers are on crack! Then they bug the shit out of you if they get your name and number! Sum Jackass kept calling me and when I told them for the milage they were way high... He told me I didnt know anything about RC51's If I thought that was high...:nono: wrong thing to say crack addict.

OK I know they run awesome and are awesome bikes. But at the time the guy on here had one cheaper and with a shat load less milage on it. So dont tell me they dont exist asshole. They are everywhere for the same price and they all have less miles than yours...

Sorry. No I hate the people that work there because they are Fucktards, but they do have a nice place.

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  Beegreenstrings said:
:wtf: Did anyone tell you the mileage on that thing?

Those F'ers are on crack! Then they bug the shit out of you if they get your name and number! Sum Jackass kept calling me and when I told them for the milage they were way high... He told me I didnt know anything about RC51's If I thought that was high...:nono: wrong thing to say crack addict.

OK I know they run awesome and are awesome bikes. But at the time the guy on here had one cheaper and with a shat load less milage on it. So dont tell me they dont exist asshole. They are everywhere for the same price and they all have less miles than yours...

Sorry. No I hate the people that work there because they are Fucktards, but they do have a nice place.

no i didnt see the mileage and i thing madkats was a couple years newer and a lil less $. i just figured they built in a lil negotiating money like everyone else. i gave the guy my number but he wrote it wrong and i didnt correct him. oh wells.

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  Mykill said:
I was thinking about heading over there to walk around and check it out since it's so close. It's always a good time looking at bikes as long as I'm not being hassled.

I told the sales guy i have a few bikes and am not looking to buy but wanted to see the place. we just small talked after that. no hard selling on me.

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Last time I was there, they had a real nice selection. A lot better than the place that used to be there. Talking to the sales guy was easy. Wasn't pushy, told him I was just there checking things out. May have helped that I knew him from the shop that just moved out of delaware. Was also under the impression that all the prices were negotiable.

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This is funny I just left there, bunch of really nice guys there and prices are dealers prices. We talked mostly parts and was told they can do some good deals on parts. A good selection on bikes but didn't have much gear there. I think the gf might be taking her bike there for a 20k check up.

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Im not sure how the dealership is,or how the prices are set, but the one experience I've had with the "owner" was pretty crazy. A few months back, I politely... and I do mean politely, asked them to stop overposting craigslist. It seemed like they were posting about 20 bikes a day, and it was getting out of hand. This was before the new CL dealer-private sale split up. Anyway.. Someone named Mitch (who claimed to be the owner) emailed me back, and totally went off...He started ranting about how he knows the owner of craigslist.... and how he was personal friends with that family, and went on and on about how he was special, and how he didnt have to follow the CL terms of use.. then he started accusing me of single handedly flagging all his ads down, after he had worked hours and hours on posting them... It was insane.. This guy IS A LOON!!! who ever he is. If he is in fact the owner, is certifiable.. I would be reluctant to buy anything from a business whos owner, IMHO was totally dilusional....

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I knew they were part of Integrity, but was curios if anybody had dealt with their service. Called them today and their prices are 69/hr for labor. I wanted someplace other than Pony and Cycle Search/Independent is moving to the south side of C-Bus.

Edited by Looney
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  jagr said:
What do you want to do Looney? I or someone else can take care of alot of stuff.

I know Jagz. I want it inspected for an aftermarket warranty and random B.S while I'm at it.

Hey......Why aren't you somewhere drinkin' right now?

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  • 1 month later...

funjunkie i agree completely, i still flag when i see them. i also hear from people that the dont really keep their word on anything. many cases they sell a bike thats rigged and say sorry to hear when that person comes back. plus they are over priced.

im only place that has my interest from bike prices and service is independent motorsports. if i decide to get a loan for my next bike its definitly with them.

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  • 1 year later...

My friend and I stop in there all the time. They never hassle us. Are cool guys and just doing their job. They do have a lot of nice bikes and have cleaned it up from the place it was before. We haven't had any service done, but another friend recommended them, so we'll try them when needed.

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  1buckeyefan said:
My friend and I stop in there all the time. They never hassle us. Are cool guys and just doing their job. They do have a lot of nice bikes and have cleaned it up from the place it was before. We haven't had any service done, but another friend recommended them, so we'll try them when needed.
  1buckeyefan said:
I think that was when it was Hines, not Maxx. There is no one there named Mitch.

Interesting thread to make your first 2 posts in place of making an introduction. Could be you or your friend are more than just passing customer's. Not knocking you either way, just saying.

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I've done some service there and it took forever for it to get done. some of it was waiting on parts on my end, but there was another time I had them drain my tank(I should have just done it myself:facepalm:) took them like a week or so to do it.

It wouldn't be my first choice from the service aspect, but also depends on what you need done/want

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  • 5 months later...

I called Motorcycle Maxx & all they try to get me to do is buy their "tier 3 service plan" bullshit. They really make me feel as if thou they are rip off's just by the convo I had w the guy on the phone.

I told him all i wanted done (oil change, new chain & sprockets, valve check) and he keeps talking about some fucking service plan bullshit. It's almost like they want me to pay out the ass to get other things checked that dont need it. He actually never told me a price.

Does anybody know of anywhere else in cbus that's trustworthy?

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  • 3 years later...

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