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Back when I was a kid....


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We had a party line with our neighbor for awhile' date=' that was so lame having to

share a phone line :p

My family was to cheap to get one of those systems, we had a Magnavox Odessy2 system! We had a Revco and Lawsons right down the street.

And to this day I go out of my way to find Lawsons Chip Dip, it was theeee best, you can still get it at Circle K!

My dad was 21 when he had me. Mom made him sell his 442 and KZ1000 (he still talks about that bike to this day) so a good game system was a must he said. Yeah Lawsons Chip dip :lets-eat:

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argh... I remember...

people had radios

and listened to them very carefully for news

people didn't have tvs

and when they did, they didn't get a signal

tv antennas on every house

one channel

tv broadcasting started at 6am? it was off at night

Army Big Picture and Victory at Sea for an hour in the morning on Saturday

Captain Kangaroo and Mr Green Jeans and Tom Terrific and Mighty Mouse

xray machines in shoe stores

soda fountains in drug stores with soda jerks

little plastic soldiers

brownie cameras

transistor radios


frozen food was something new

people ironed everything

a big deal was your own baseball bat

huge little league and pony league baseball in the Summers

yes, we played hardball as kids

a big deal was a 10 speed bicycle

trading baseball cards

Mickey Mantel Topps card in 1957, a big deal even then

any Yankees card in 1957

something new, electric guitars

Walt Disney

Elvis Presley

The Beatles

The Beach Boys

... ancient history...

The old guys I worked with at Rockwell, grew up in the Depression.

They would say they were lucky to have a rock and a stick to play with.

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Ever clean out an house owned by someone from the 1920's? They saved some interesting stuff because it was considered valuable. News papers were always saved. Pie tins, steel cans and other metal goods got saved because they were in short supply.

It puts what we value today into perspective.

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The NEO peeps might remember this: United Skates of America anyone? Skate-o-saurus?

I went to a billion birthday parties there. I remember thinking the rich kids with roller-blades were weird hahahaha

For me it was SkateWorld in Vermilion. Many a all-night-skate :p

How about cordless phones that had METAL antennas? If you knew a geeky kid with a programmable scanner, you could eavesdrop on them!

Guilty! Baby monitors were awesome, like bugging your neighbors house! I heard lots of interesting things over baby monitors

on my scanner not to mention cordless phones and then later on cell phones (with the aid of a frequency doubler).

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This is sooo true! Bugs Bunny, Transformers, GI Joe, etc... Saturday mornings were the best!

I forget what channel, but when my daughter is watching cartoons, they have the old Mickey Mouse "short" cartoons. The 5 minute ones in between shows. I'm kind of surprised they still air them.

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The NEO peeps might remember this: United Skates of America anyone? Skate-o-saurus?

I went to a billion birthday parties there. I remember thinking the rich kids with roller-blades were weird hahahaha


I sure do remember it! I was only there once or twice (i preferred the ice) but I had some sweet CCM roller blades :lol:

This is sooo true! Bugs Bunny, Transformers, GI Joe, etc... Saturday mornings were the best!

hell yes they were, i still watch them whenever I can find them on cable

"Saved by the Bell" killed cartoons. That's a cold hard fact.

I'm not so old that we didn't have gaming systems or a billion TV channels available, my parents just refused to pay for them.

I didn't own a gaming system until my friend gave me his Xbox after he got an Xbox 360. My brothers bought an original 8 bit Nintendo at a garage sale for $5 when I was in 8th or 9th grade...

We got cable in 1998 for the World cup, then canceled it after it was over.

I played baseball all day every day in the summer; except on weekends when I would do stuff with my family.

I was the TV remote.

My brothers and I were the lawn service. We were also the snow-blower.

I rode my bike to the convenient store and bought packs of baseball cards and sunflower seeds with my friends.

I got in fights in my friends' back yards, and no one got sued; in fact, 3 of those guys were in my wedding. 5 if you count my brothers.

must be a brecksville thing, sounds EXACTLY like my childhood

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I was raised on a dirt street in Sidney, we didnt always have a car, my mom would take all 4 of us kids to the store pullin a wagon it was 5 blocks, but we didnt complain. it was fun, because behind the store was a grass hill that we would slide down on cardboard boxes, it is the entrance ramp to I75 north, only rich kids had skateboards, and they had steel-wheels. yep lifes been good to us so far.

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I use to know how to spell words like great and because. Not gr8 and cuz. I think texting has made me stupid. Remember when only kids went trick-or-treat? And when pagers were cool you would send number codes for the other person to figure out, kinda like morse code

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Born in '78 and I agree that we grew up in a good time. I also remember going out on my BMX bike in the morning and not coming home until the street lights came on(except for family dinner where we all sat down at the same time and ate)...and my parents were never worried about me being kidnapped or killed. I remember rotary phones, VHF/UHF B&W TV's, REAL cartoons, watching the Dukes of Hazzard, playing football and baseball at the empty lot down the street, going down to the creek and fishing all day, getting together with my buddies and having competitions with our Red Ryder BB Guns, sneaking out at night and playing flashlight tag with all the neighborhood kids until the wee hours of the morning...ahh good times. I remember when gas and cigarettes were both less than a buck too, makes me feel old.

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Haha negative Ghostrider. I'm like the marshmallow in a bag of chocolate chips (non-racist usage) at Aprilia meets due to my age. :lol:

sorry the only mental image I am getting right now is you as the marshmallow man trying to destroy new york with a guy named Egon trying to destroy you with his stream

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sorry the only mental image I am getting right now is you as the marshmallow man trying to destroy new york with a guy named Egon trying to destroy you with his stream

Sorry, I'm not a pr0n star. Especially not gay porn, my butthole is too sensitive for that.

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No remote for the TV and had to use the VHF dial to get PBS to see Cosmos or Marty Stouffer Wild America lot.

I'm 74 born..Marty Stouffer Wild America was the best, Dukes, Smurfs, Mash this thread does bring back a ton of memories. Tv together after the family dinner was a treat. We could shoot .22's in a backyard at pop cans in a neighborhood and no one freaked out. Building forts, riding bikes all day, hanging out by the crick.

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If your Saturday afternoon include the words from the TV " Mutual of Omaha presents..." you were a kid in the 70's. This was a TV show linda like National Geographic channel.

Remember the Mr. Quaterback football launcher? Pretty much a heavy spring loaded catapult that would launch a football.

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Ever clean out an house owned by someone from the 1920's? They saved some interesting stuff because it was considered valuable. News papers were always saved. Pie tins, steel cans and other metal goods got saved because they were in short supply.

It puts what we value today into perspective.

When I bought my house (1930 vintage) the basement was full of every peanut butter (and other glass) jar the original owner had ever used.

Dude I shit you not' date=' I had a perm/fro when I was like 12![/quote']

I find that totally believable. :D

Coke came in a glass bottle and had sugar in it instead of that nasty corn syrup.

We had Big Wheels before bikes and they eventually broke at the neck.

The Electric Co. came on right after Sesame Street.

If you were lucky you had one of those little lawn mower engine mini-bikes, if you were extremely lucky, you had a Yamaha 80. I was pretty lucky and had a Honda Z50.

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I also remember tearing apart anything and everything I could get my hands on. My bicycles (multiple cheap BMX, 10 speed, etc.) lawnmowers, electronics, you name it, I would try to figure out how it worked! MOST of the time, I got it put back together and working as it should, and sometimes better than before!

Anymore, stuff just gets thrown away and replaced. :(

My lawnboy mower is from the mid 80's, and the thing fires up on the first or second pull of the cord, every time.

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