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Group riding


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So as a newb, I'm making the transition from solo riding to riding with some folks I know and eventually I want to do some rides with Mykill, Hutch, CSBA and the rest. Over the last few days I have gone riding with two other friends who also normally ride solo, so the group thing was kind of new. We did the MSF stuff, talked about the route, talked about the speeds we wanted to do, talked about formation and basic hand signals. Good experince for us all, but I have some questions on stuff that came up on the trips.

1. How much gap do you leave between the lead rider and the next in formation(using the staggered left/right formation)? We kind of started off with a 3-4 second gap which spread everyone out and then as we got used to it closed up to a 2-3 bike length gap. That seemed like enough to see the rider ahead while allowing us to move around for corners and road apples. Is there a rule of thumb?

2. At stop signs, we all went one at a time and just waited if someone got stuck waiting for traffic. The MSF talks about pulling up 2 abreast at stops, so which is correct? When we were in doubt, we defaulted to "ride your own ride" but in a more experinced group we don't want to mess that up.

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The gap between riders in a staggered formation is situational. If you're doing street or freeway riding a 2-4 second gap is ideal. Basically you don't want to leave enough of a space for some cager to slip in on a lane change. That gap can extend in rides down country roads or twisties. You're usually in single file riding through the curves anyway. The staggered formation is highly recommended for group rides because the motorcycles are taking up the entire lane which discourages cars from trying to share it with you.

Pulling up to a stop sign two abreast and then riding through in pairs is pretty common practice. Sometimes cars will be nice at four-way stops and let the entire group go right through (but don't bank on it).

"Ride your own ride" is a good mantra to follow. It's not worth it to ride beyond your means to try to catch up. If you're with a good group, they'll wait for you at the end of a section of road if you're running a bit behind. If they don't, they're not worth riding with.

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One of the things I learned riding with Hutch and the CSBA people is KEEP YOUR OWN PACE. Also, ride in single file in the twisties. Two abreast at the stops and through then back to single file.

Follow someone who knows the road and don't get too close to the front if you're not comfortable. Having someone on your ass trying to pass you safely is more than you need to worry about when you can't even keep your own line straight.

Practice practice practice. Keep your head up and keep scanning in front of you!

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1. for faster mc traffic, go far right single file, so as faster mc traffic can pass group in same lane.

2. if ya dont know where youre going, dont lead.

3. newbies ride in the rear.

4. keep up with the group, dont hang back.

5. never stop the entire group to go back and look for lost rider. use buddy system.

Edited by JBWalker
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  chevysoldier said:
Take extra fuel. There's always that one that thinks they don't need to fill up. (not the advice you're looking for though. lol)

ill never understand that, then again I'm paranoid. If were stopping for gas anyway I might as well just top off

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  chevysoldier said:
Take extra fuel. There's always that one that thinks they don't need to fill up. (not the advice you're looking for though. lol)

That was almost me! I guess I was all right and could have gone another 75 miles or so, but I didn't think about filling up before we left. :nono:

Silverfox and others, thanks, that was what I was looking for. The pace seemed OK for our experince level and single file through the curves is what we had all agreed on.

Mykill, I think I may try the ride on the 21st. I have to see whats on the baseball schedule, but I'd like to go.

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