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Ride 5-02 Weather Permitting


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OK, RC and I are planning a ride into Hocking, last time I hit this section and it was a lil iffy but with the rain etc. lately I think it ll be good to go.

Anyways, its about 3-4 hours, takes us through Hocking and back into nelsonville, we can then either reverse the route or head up 33, or split and do both.

So far, I think the only 1 who is in that I have asked is RC, and Ousley99. Im not gonna post it in the Cbus section because last time we had too many people and too many accidents. I want people to ride in their comfort zone, or just above, but not enough to get hurt.

374 is the 1st road we hit, take that into hocking, then hit 180 into Laurelville(Stop and rest/eat/fuel), 56 Out of Laurelville, 56 to 278 into Nelsonville and then IF we want another 2-3 hours 685 to 78 to Glouster(this is where I stopped) 78 to 60 into 70 and about 45mins on 70, maybe less actually.

That ride in its entirety is 8hrs or so, maybe 7 with shorter lunch and NO accident cleanups. The first half just into nelsonville was about 4hrs with 2 bikes down and 4 stops.

Personally so long as its under a 30% chance of rain Im in for hocking ride. If its about that, I ll probably just hit some local roads, 188 maybe all the way south, and back, I dunno.

Either way, thats the route I have planned for saturday, if anyone else has one post it up.

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