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what did you do today to prepare for the zombie apocalypse ?

kawi kid

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Clean water is a big priority in a SHTF, zombie apocalypse, or natural disaster. There are several ways to make water clean and safe to drink such iodine, chlorine, boiling, pasturazation (spelling?), distillation (saltwater). Chlorine is faster and easier than boiling water if on the move or if you can't make fire.

After reading that article I need to check the shelf life of bleach.

9-12 months as long as its not in high heat or freezing temps.


I guess bleach is not a long term option.

Now I'm wondering about iodine shelf life. I know peroxide has a short shelf life.

Edited by crb
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I think three days is right but that depends on heat, humidity, work, sun, shelter, etc. I think most people take water for granted in any disaster situation it has to be w priority. I think you can go 7 days without food. Luckily we have lots of water in Ohio now in bigger cities it could be more difficult to acquire. I'm very fortunate to live in the country. Food and firewood are also more readily available in the country. My grandparent inlaws have over a hundred acres and raise some cows and crops. They are about two miles from my house.

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Your situation is kinda lime mine then. In a shtf instance im headed to our farm quick is completely selfsustaining. We grow our own beef and chicken. We have two water supplies. Three if you count the pond. And its on top of a hill surrounded by woods. Pretty much everything we would need to get by for a long period of time.

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Yep very similar situations. They don't currently raise chickens or milk but neighbouring farmers do so barter system will come into play or they could do it themselves. They have two water sources at least, and oil and natural gas. If shtf I will pack everything of use food, firearms, ammo, water, tools, vehicles, etc and head to the farm to protect and work.

My concern for water purification is more for on my way home as I am a truck driver. I have a dedicated run so I am only 418 miles from home at the most. 418 isn't bad unless we are attacked by an EMP that would take out vehicles. I keep a bug out bag on the truck with essentials and usually have a couple cases of bottles water with us. Once I'm home I'm not worried about anything.

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We are always prepared on the truck. We have been in some bad situations. Broken down on the side of the road for 9 hours in Nebraska in the winter time 42 degrees below zero before wind chill with no heat. I have never been so cold before in my life. We had winters clothes on and sleeping bags and still cold. Several times we've spent 8 hrs or more stuck behind an accident. 18 hrs broke down on the side of the road. Cops wo.t even stop and see if your okay even though its 42 below outside. Anything can happen to us doing this job.

I've don't think most people carry water, blanket, or food in their cars in the winter time anymore. What happens if the national guard doesn't come or doesn't come for days? Lots of people were stranded up in buffalo last year too. I refuse to depend on the government to survive.

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  • 1 month later...

Picked up some MRE's for the truck just in case, sighted in new to me AR15, bought a case of .22lr and a bunch of .17hmr. I need to get to the range with my new to me Sig 229 that I plan on carrying. I have a bonfire ready to lite to roast some zombies.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Had the wife and kids in the garage training with airsoft and pellet guns tonight. Pulled out the wifes 9mm and made her handle it for a bit and told her we are going to shoot her gun and teach her to shoot it after it sitting in the safe for over 2 years.

I took my girl to the range the other day.... she cant take instructions so she got pissy and sat in the corner.

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