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what made your fathers day great?


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For me it was waking up early and going shooting with my two oldest sons. One of whom was his first trip with me to the range. Second my dad went with us(have not spoken to him in almost a year) so it was nice to kinda of start to patch things up with him. Then I drove over the inlaws and had a water fight with my two younger sons. Drinking some pale ale and cooking lots of meat on the grill now. Was a very good fathers day.

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well im not a dad but i took my dad and brother out golfing this morning and had the best day i have had in a long time, i have never laughed so hard because we are all pretty bad, it was like the 3 stooges went golfing lol. i havent seen my dad have fun like that in a long time.

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My kids are the greatest! They're only 8 and 5. Their mother (my ex), being the wonderful person she is, couldn't take the time to buy a simple card for them to give to me when I picked them up today even though I always take them to buy her birthday cards, mothers day cards, or whatever because my boys cannot do it on their own but I know it would always mean a lot to them to get their mother something. Anyway, whatever, I was just happy to see them and spend the day with them. At one point we needed to go to the store to pick up a few things and as we're walking through, I noticed my oldest son (Carson) getting excited about something, so naturally, in my usual questioning, asked him what his problem was and he said nothing but wanted to know if he and Kyler (my youngest) could go back over there (pointing his finger). I said sure, let's go. But he didn't want me to go and as I was explaining to him that he and his brother cannot run around the store without me, I realized why he wanted to "go over there". It was where the cards were and I could see the Father day cards and immediately knew what he wanted to do and of course, that alone made me the happiest daddy ever. So playing the "daddy has no idea what they're up to", I said sure go ahead but hurry up. So a few minutes later they come back giggling and laughing trying to hide the cards and of course I continue to pretend like I have know idea what's going on. The cashier caught on quickly and still in my "no idea what's going on mode", I pretended not to notice them handing her the cards and scanning them, putting them in bags and handing them back so they could hide them once again. We get home, they run to their bedroom and return, handing me the cards. They are now proudly being display on the shelf over the tv.

Funny thing is, they must have picked the most expensive cards there. Damn things cost $5.99 a piece! Lol! Worth every penny!

I'm sure all parents say the same thing but I truly have the most awesome kids in the world!

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My kids are the greatest! They're only 8 and 5. Their mother (my ex), being the wonderful person she is, couldn't take the time to buy a simple card for them to give to me when I picked them up today even though I always take them to buy her birthday cards, mothers day cards, or whatever because my boys cannot do it on their own but I know it would always mean a lot to them to get their mother something. Anyway, whatever, I was just happy to see them and spend the day with them. At one point we needed to go to the store to pick up a few things and as we're walking through, I noticed my oldest son (Carson) getting excited about something, so naturally, in my usual questioning, asked him what his problem was and he said nothing but wanted to know if he and Kyler (my youngest) could go back over there (pointing his finger). I said sure, let's go. But he didn't want me to go and as I was explaining to him that he and his brother cannot run around the store without me, I realized why he wanted to "go over there". It was where the cards were and I could see the Father day cards and immediately knew what he wanted to do and of course, that alone made me the happiest daddy ever. So playing the "daddy has no idea what they're up to", I said sure go ahead but hurry up. So a few minutes later they come back giggling and laughing trying to hide the cards and of course I continue to pretend like I have know idea what's going on. The cashier caught on quickly and still in my "no idea what's going on mode", I pretended not to notice them handing her the cards and scanning them, putting them in bags and handing them back so they could hide them once again. We get home, they run to their bedroom and return, handing me the cards. They are now proudly being display on the shelf over the tv.

Funny thing is, they must have picked the most expensive cards there. Damn things cost $5.99 a piece! Lol! Worth every penny!

I'm sure all parents say the same thing but I truly have the most awesome kids in the world!

That is the cutest thing ever! It's really sweet that they did that all on their own too. Makes it that much more special. Forget your ex. You know your kids love you 110% and they've got it covered! ;)

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As great of a day I had with my boys yesterday, my pet kids almost got shot when I walked in last night. Chewed up a baby gate we use to keep them in the back hall. then got sick from eating the gate and puked an shit all over our new carpet. What fun tha was to try and clean up.

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Dad came to the track at lunch. He's never seen me ride before. I didn't have his card or gift on me, so I'm heading over after work today to give him that.

Just hanging out and BSing with the old man was a good time though. He drank his Pepsi (not the caffeine free crap my mom makes him drink) and read his paper a little, then helped with race prep stuff when it was time to get serious.

I may be 28, but my dad STILL makes it to more of my sporting events than anyone else's parents :D

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Well my 10 year old almost out shot me at the range. My eight year old went with me for his first time and did great. And then like I said the grand water war with my 3 and 5 year old was epic. Would have been a perfect fathersday until the dog crap an pike clean up.

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enjoyed telling my step dad "I couldn find a card so I got you this 25lb bag of peanuts for the campground :D" (seriously walmart has one isle dedicated to fathers day cards with only 2 step dad cards that are too sentimental for me and my step dad) called my dad (in ky) talked to him, took my 2 brothers to KI to get them outta the step dads house for some peace and quite.

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My kids are the greatest! They're only 8 and 5. Their mother (my ex), being the wonderful person she is, couldn't take the time to buy a simple card for them to give to me when I picked them up today even though I always take them to buy her birthday cards, mothers day cards, or whatever because my boys cannot do it on their own but I know it would always mean a lot to them to get their mother something. Anyway, whatever, I was just happy to see them and spend the day with them. At one point we needed to go to the store to pick up a few things and as we're walking through, I noticed my oldest son (Carson) getting excited about something, so naturally, in my usual questioning, asked him what his problem was and he said nothing but wanted to know if he and Kyler (my youngest) could go back over there (pointing his finger). I said sure, let's go. But he didn't want me to go and as I was explaining to him that he and his brother cannot run around the store without me, I realized why he wanted to "go over there". It was where the cards were and I could see the Father day cards and immediately knew what he wanted to do and of course, that alone made me the happiest daddy ever. So playing the "daddy has no idea what they're up to", I said sure go ahead but hurry up. So a few minutes later they come back giggling and laughing trying to hide the cards and of course I continue to pretend like I have know idea what's going on. The cashier caught on quickly and still in my "no idea what's going on mode", I pretended not to notice them handing her the cards and scanning them, putting them in bags and handing them back so they could hide them once again. We get home, they run to their bedroom and return, handing me the cards. They are now proudly being display on the shelf over the tv.

Funny thing is, they must have picked the most expensive cards there. Damn things cost $5.99 a piece! Lol! Worth every penny!

I'm sure all parents say the same thing but I truly have the most awesome kids in the world!

Awesome story!

My 13yr old made a card and inside it said that he would change my diapers when I get old because he loved me. That right there, was enough for me to almost lose it. And by lose it, I mean my emotions, not my bowels.

Of course, later I somehow had to pay for the movies for all 4 of my sons and my girlfriend, but hey.....it's the thought that counts.

BTW Super 8 was OK. It's not the best summer flick ever made like some of the reviews would have you believe....but it's decent. Worth a look.

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enjoyed telling my step dad "I couldn find a card so I got you this 25lb back of peanuts for the camground :D" (seriously walmart has one isle dedicated to fathers day cards with only 2 step dad cards that are too sentimental for me and my step dad) called my dad (in ky) talked to him, took my 2 brothers to KI to get them outta the step dads house for some peace and quite.

My dad would LOVE a 25lb. bag of peanuts!!!!! That would make his year!

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