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A rider needs your prayers


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Many of you that have ridden with the CSBA group over last couple years will remember Pastor Dave Brown who rode with us a few times on my Aprilia. He is also the Pastor of the Calvary Chapel church that we meet at before every ride. This is a message posted from his Brother Bob Brown who was the main instructor at the Knee Down Clinic last month:

My brother Dave who many of you know is in the hospital, they suspect two brain tumors in the frontal lobes, he had been dizzy the last few weeks and fallen a couple of times the last few days. I still do not have a lot of information but will pass it on when I get it...Bob

This is where he is located:

University Hospital

James Cancer Hospital

Room 1058

300 W. 10th Ave

Columbus, OH 43210

I will be heading down there this afternoon to see how he is doing and will post up info as I get it. Please keep Dave and his family in your prayers.

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I just returned from seeing Dave. His spirits are up as usual and looks at this as a bump in the road. His wife Carla is more concerned than Dave is. The mass covers across his forehead from one side to the other. The biopsy is not expected to be back until the end of the week to know exactly what it is and they are planning on sending him home tomorrow some time. He will then meet with specialists to determine the best action to take.

Thanks for all of your prayers, we may see him in his office Saturday morning before the ride if it is up to him.

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