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Highway vs. "Back-roads"


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When I initially convinced my wife that buying a bike was a smart thing to do, I made the promise that I would only be riding city streets and back-roads. But after being shaken up a few times by left-turn grannies, I started to change my tune. Now, my comfort-zone is 100% freeway (rush hour traffic included). Twisties with oncoming traffic only feet away scare the piss out of me:o and city streets put me on a necessarily high level of alert. Getting to know some of you, I've found exceptional talent through the twisties, but reluctance on the highway. There aren't right or wrong answers, but I'm interested in the comments.

My take:

Freeway -

1) traffic is all going in the same direction, no left-turn grannies

2) road hazards are visible well ahead of impact and corrections can be more easily made

3) distracted drivers can be spotted and anticipated

4) head-on collisions are rare

Cons - flat tires are bad, going down will be more painful

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If you "hang off" while traveling down the freeway, you can avoid the center of the tire bald spot. Make sure you alternate left and right leans so the tire wears even.

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If you "hang off" while traveling down the freeway, you can avoid the center of the tire bald spot. Make sure you alternate left and right leans so the tire wears even.

I tear up some on-ramps!:metal:

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Hwy is boring as hell & uncomfortable on a sportbike. Hwys also get more LEO attention. I really don't commute or ride in city traffic much either.

The majority of my miles are weekend trips through entertaining backroads.

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I suppose I wouldn't necessarily agree with your con that it'd be more painful going down on a highway. Sure, there's more speed involved, but IMHO if I'm geared up, I'd take a high speed slide over a lot of other types of accidents. What would worry me the most is getting ran over by those left turn grannies with reaction times too slow to move their wrinkled raisin feet to depress the brake pedal.

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I suppose I wouldn't necessarily agree with your con that it'd be more painful going down on a highway. Sure, there's more speed involved, but IMHO if I'm geared up, I'd take a high speed slide over a lot of other types of accidents. What would worry me the most is getting ran over by those left turn grannies with reaction times too slow to move their wrinkled raisin feet to depress the brake pedal.

Good point. With exception of protective pants, I wear gear.

I also should have mentioned that pleasure riding is a treat for me and my riding is usually a couple hundred miles per week of commute whether to Cleveland, SE Ohio, or just to the office.

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Highways = suck. Boring, and I usually felt like I was going to fall asleep. This is the biggest reason I stopped going to bike nights and sold my bike.

The back roads I ride/road were surrounded by farm land and most turns opened into a field, no guard rails, little traffic etc.

I feel that since I only ride/rode street with full gear on at all times, I would much take a slide on a back road and chance hitting a tree vs. getting run over by an 18 wheeler or grandma who cant brake and is riding the left lane. I've hit plenty of trees skiing with just a helmet, ski jacket, and backpack on and am still here. Granted that wasn't at 80, but it was probably about 45, some were ugly, but I survived.

Now that I only ride track, I would most likely never ride another freeway again if I ever got a bike. Maybe different on a cruiser since those tires are more made for it, but yeah.

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Back roads are for me, the Mountains are my number one preference, hands down.

Freeway riding is no fun at all for me, only a quick way to and from, necessary at times.

City riding just plain sucks in my opinion, I try to avoid at all costs, but impossible to do so.

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Highways just make me want to blast past traffic at a steady 3-digit pace........I'm more into backroads for commuting, just more fun and typically the routes I take are less travelled -- rarely see a sheriff, but they do appear once in a while :D

Plus it's hard to beat tree canopied backroads on hot summer days -- it's free a/c for bikers!!

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if im commuting which is extremely rare i'll take the highway but I just get so bored so quick and a simple 20 minute run feels like an hour. I don't mind blasting the highway for an hour to get to a good area to ride but other than that I guess it just depends on my mood

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I pretty well agree with the OP here, after going through the same thoughts and dealing with similar traffic conditions. Where I differ is weekend twisty riding, which I LOVE doing with a group of talented riders. The commute isn't much of a pleasure ride, even though I'm on the bike, it's nothing like going out and hitting some good roads, it's merely an economical (questionable) way of getting back and forth to work.

Also, I'm ATGATT even for the commute. I rode about 3 miles Monday night without my jacket and riding pants, and I was VERY uncomfortable. I had my helmet and gloves on and still didn't feel right. I didn't top 55 mph in a stretch of road that I've been riding almost daily since I started riding, where I normally go faster than the not-posted speed limit.

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I don't mind the highway. When I ride highway I tend to try and stay out in

front of traffic so I'm seen. That sometimes means riding fast but I'd rather

have people saying "look at that asshole riding so fast" than "oh shit, I didn't see him there".

If they see me riding fast, they SEE me ;)

My opinion of city streets and backroads... if you're gonna get hit by a car

or cut off, that's where it will happen!

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I hate highways during stop-and-go rush hour. Too many rear-end accidents. A 6-car pileup happened directly behind me on my first day commuting on the bike, and that scared me off rush hour freeways. When traffic is flowing normally then highways are fine.

I commute on backroads. I maintain high vigilance any time I'm near another car and I slow right down for left-turners and people on side-streets. I slow down enough that I can get stopped or almost stopped if someone pulls out. I don't exceed the speed limit if there is any change of a conflict with another vehicle (approaching sidestreets etc). If the conflicting drive does not meey my eyes then I'll slow down enough going past them that I know I can stop if they pull out. The only one I worry about is being on a 55mph road past one of those idiots who looks into your eyes THEN pulls out. Not much you can do about that but remember that "Twice the speed means Four times the pain". Slow down when there is ANY chance of a vehicle conflict.

I ride 2-up with my 7yo, so my riding style is conservative to the extreme.

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Highways for safety and efficiency.

Rural roads are much more fun.

Urban and suburban roads just suck in general. Higher risk factor and slow travel.

Unfortunately my commute means I ride urban roads much of the time. Luckily most are not congested when I ride but still somewhat dangerous and slow.


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I wouldnt mind the highway if I had a more comfortable bike and my tires didnt suffer. Only time I ever feel slightly worried is traffic coming to a stop and go or merging in a busy section which no one in Columbus has figured out.

I love a good back road though. They are a lot of fun and love the scenery and serenity.

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Highways just make me want to blast past traffic at a steady 3-digit pace........I'm more into backroads for commuting, just more fun and typically the routes I take are less travelled -- rarely see a sheriff, but they do appear once in a while :D

Plus it's hard to beat tree canopied backroads on hot summer days -- it's free a/c for bikers!!


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I have been contemplating this for the last few days. I am leaving tomorrow morning to ride to my parents house in central PA. So I am doing some pros and cons to highway/"backroads"



no red lights/stop signs

Can easily over take slow moving vehicles

more potential for cops


more potential for road construction



more scenery to look at

less traffic

not as many cops

more exciting

cooler when in shaded areas

a lot of stopping starting

potential for slow moving traffic

potential for people pulling out in front of me.

I have thought about doing the first half on backroads, then hitting the freeway in Wheeling thru part of the PA turnpike, Once off the turn pike I will be on PA back roads most of the way to my parents house. However, with the forecasted temps tomorrow, I am thinking about just hauling ass on the freeway so by the time I get to the hottest part of the day I am off the freeways and on the back roads in PA. Thoughts?

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I have been contemplating this for the last few days. I am leaving tomorrow morning to ride to my parents house in central PA. So I am doing some pros and cons to highway/"backroads"



no red lights/stop signs

Can easily over take slow moving vehicles

more potential for cops


more potential for road construction



more scenery to look at

less traffic

not as many cops

more exciting

cooler when in shaded areas

a lot of stopping starting

potential for slow moving traffic

potential for people pulling out in front of me.

I have thought about doing the first half on backroads, then hitting the freeway and wheelieing thru part of the PA turnpike, Once off the turn pike I will be on PA back roads most of the way to my parents house. However, with the forecasted temps tomorrow, I am thinking about just hauling ass on the freeway so by the time I get to the hottest part of the day I am off the freeways and on the back roads in PA. Thoughts?


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^Thread has officially been Ringoed.....:nono:

Good comments. I appreciate the feedback. I'm hoping to do more recreational riding as the kids get older. With that will come a higher level of comfort through the twistiest, I'm sure.

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1. There are only a very few Meanstreaks that can get the front tire off the ground, mine is not one of them.

2. Even if it was one of them, I am not stupid enough to ride wheelies down a freeway.

3. Your a dumbass.

4. That is all.

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Back roads whenever I can, freeway if I have to. Back roads are just much more scenic.

The back roads I ride, it's pretty rare to see a car. So it's like a possible 20 cars with idiot drivers that will drift over while texting, or just not paying attention, vs 200 on the freeway.

Less cops on the back roads, is always a good thing too!

Generally though, I just ride wherever I want. As far as safety goes, I feel dressing properly is the most important thing, and of course, staying as alert as you can.


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