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Moto Series - YOU GOTTA TRY IT!


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That's right folks, if you want some great competition and some decent sized grids, Moto Series is in the back yard and has those things you desire.

I ran my second round and had a blast! The people, the racing and even vendors are all out in force with these guys!

I was always a guy that was a bit skeptical of the series and even had some reservations to send anyone that wanted WERA type racing to them. But, after good friends Wrobel and Neyra convinced me to run there, I have had a GREAT time and had some awesome racing.

There are a lot of ex-WERA guys there, a lot of locals and a great mix of talent that can offer even the most competitive guy an option.

They also have a cool endurance program where you can run 20 minutes, 40 minutes or 3 hours with a team. The 20 and 40 are solo and are awesome. BIG turn out for the 20s.

The best part really is the fact it is all one day! 1-1/2 hours of open practice and they will separate the groups at the end. They start races before lunch, take a break and then start up again an hour after. They run the sprints and roll right into the 3 hour. Trust me when I say that you better be in shape!! I ran two sprints and the 20 minute race and I was BEAT!! Damn young pups.

Anyways, I know a lot of you on here travel stupid distances for racing and are missing a great series that has grown and got grids that are larger than what you see regionally. Also, the talent that comes there is enough to give anyone some solid racing. There are a ton of LW racers and a good number of 600/1000 guys for sure. I think our 600/100 grid was to the tune of something like 25 guys or something? Haven't seen 20 plus in those races for a LOOOOOONG time.

The event is well run, easy sign up and tech and the program is well oiled and runs really well. Low red flag count, low crash count and while Nelson isn't Mid-Ohio, it really isn't as bad as I even have said before. The idea is the fun, the competition and the fact that it is here in Ohio! The people that run it are awesome and the racers are really good. We have AMA caliber guys here and we even see guys choosing this series over others!

The grids were really big and that is a weekend that ran in tandem with the Cycle Jam...

On another note, I know a lot of you do track days and MAYBE have wanted to race or at least try it out. The series is LOW PRESSURE! It does have some really awesome racers coming out as of late and the competition is really good, but it is also (And, I have always said this) a GREAT place to get your feet wet. The racers are fast, but they all want the same thing - to have fun and make it to work Monday! No cut throat BS racing where there is a large pile of cash out there and people are making desperate moves to win a race.

It is a great chance to at least try things out and above all, it is 3 hours from downtown Columbus. The best thing to do is get licensed and try it out. I think you'll be amazed and you will want more.

Save gas, support a sponsor and get some serious competition to make you a better racer all in one!

Off the podium, but I had a great weekend and had a great time.

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Great write up, I was just posting my take in the other thread as well, and I couldn't agree more. I knew I was slow, but knew I was at least at race pace and can run a safe race line so I signed up Sunday after race school Saturday and running Friday too.

Brian is right, get in shape! I am way too out of shape and that mini 20, I came in and was almost in tears, I can't imagine how you did with all those races you ran.

Great post, and everything is spot on. Again, thanks for not lapping me 3 times, and keeping every pass clean. Next time my goal might just be to only have you lap me once!

You are stupid fast bro! See you at Mid O later this month. I need some time to recover.

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Should be out either tonight or tuesday at the latest. It would probably be up now but they are running a trackday today.

Brian is right, there have been some really fast guys showing up and making some of us really start to step it up. This year was a huge kick in the ass for me and force me to drop 4 seconds this year just to try and keep up. The turnout this past weekend was great, maybe just a tad lower than last round. Hell at the last beaver event they had 20 600 novice with about 35 or so on grid total. Motoseries has exploded this year with tons of new racers and some heavy expert tallent.

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This year was a huge kick in the ass for me and force me to drop 4 seconds this year just to try and keep up.

You and me gotta talk. I'll register in "instructional" if I have to :D

My bike should be capable of :16's, so I've gotta be doing something wrong. Although the previous owner was a bit heavier, so the harshness of my suspension might have something to do with me being a giant pansy at Nelson, but let's be honest, that's just something slow people say!

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You and me gotta talk. I'll register in "instructional" if I have to :D

My bike should be capable of :16's, so I've gotta be doing something wrong. Although the previous owner was a bit heavier, so the harshness of my suspension might have something to do with me being a giant pansy at Nelson, but let's be honest, that's just something slow people say!

It should be able to, Jinu can do them on his and I don't think his suspension is really close to being set. But then he also just rides it with no concern to what it is doing.

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Good seeing you this weekend, you were running well. You going to make it to Beaver next round?

Gonna try. Never been there so, it would be cool to ride there. You looked awesome this weekend, man. Smooth and you were riding well!

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I wouldn't doubt it, who wouldn't want to race at mido.

exactly! and with wera not racing there except vintage days, it would draw a crowd from many states.. Then expand to Gingerman and Grattan! Oh man.. Todd Needs to get on this.. Opportunity is HIGH! :bow:

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It should be able to, Jinu can do them on his and I don't think his suspension is really close to being set. But then he also just rides it with no concern to what it is doing.

exactly. I've done 2 seasons on my 600RR w/o crashing it. (knock on wood)

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Wait, holy crap, this is sweet! This is exactly what I want; a local, low pressure racing organization to have fun in. Because.. let's face it.. I have 3 jobs and need to be at all of them :rolleyes:

Well come on out, we will be at Beaver Run next month. Check out the thread started for it.

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