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McArthur DS ride


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i would be up for this!!! when are you guys trying go? shot me a text 6145072836 up for the hardest hill climbs to the easy dirt!

Bad News, you missed it. :o

Good News, I'll probably do more. ;) Keep your eyes on this thread and the dirt section for future TTH dates or if you're of face crook find Topo Lake and send a friend request with a note asking to be added to the Tar Hollow Rider group.

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Okay, weather looks like it will be mostly dry although the trails will still be wet.

Saturday 9-24, 10am meet up at Laurelville gas station at 56 and 180. We'll ride thru some trails around Tar Hollow to Richland ORV area.:)

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Well there was only one taker for my ride today, but what a great time we had. Trent is a new to dual sport rider but obviously not new to riding. Trials and dirt rider and a good one too from the way he was handling the GS650 Dakar, also new to him. He's a lurker but hopefully he'll figure out you guys are not as bad as me and post a bit. :lol3


After a day of riding the "milky-est", only way to describe it, slop ever, going over some new ground, riding all of Richland Furnace which apparently has expanded and was basically empty minus some locals, then exploring some new trails, my speedo cable must have caught on a branch because this was what was left. :eek1


A great ride, good partner for the day to ride with and other than 51 degree ride down, perfect weather!

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