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Rode my bike today!


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First time since the day I broke my ankle 2 months ago.

I still don't have the strength / flexibility in my ankle to lift my toes up to shift down without having to lift who whole foot off the peg. Rode 4 miles and my ankle was in a bit of pain. Just need to ease back into it slowly. As exected, the plantarflexion/dorsiflexion (gear change down, gear change up) movements against a stiff motorbike boot are a little too much for my ankle right now. They work the damaged muscles/tendons, and the dorsiflexion (lifting the foot up) is limited by ligaments that basically siezed while wearing the cast for 6 weeks.

Give it a month and I'll be back to commuting hopefully. Definitely next season. The good news is that riding a motorcycle is now officially a part of my therapy!

Fun fact: I can't lift my toes up on my bad foot - The tendons/muscles are trapped by the bad ligaments and that has left me with a temporary partial paralysis of the toes. Snap kicks and roundhouse kicks rely on you lifting your toes out of the way and connecting with the ball of the foot, so a full return to karate is still a month off.

Edited by Scruit
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Congrats man! Gives me inspiration! I had my cast completely removed on the 10th and had zero movement in my arm but as of today I almost have half, so I'm also making good progress. It's actually going to take longer for my thumb to heal since the part that broke has a tendent attached to it. My goal is to at least be able to get on the bike and take it for a short ride this season and it looks like I should be able to. If anything stops me, it will be the bike not the arm. It's currently torn down, just waiting to get enough cash to buy new parts, paint, then reassembly.

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It's actually going to take longer for my thumb to heal since the part that broke has a tendent attached to it. My goal is to at least be able to get on the bike and take it for a short ride this season and it looks like I should be able to.

Avulsion Fracture? Where the ligament/tendon is stretched so far that rather than tearing the tendon it actually pulls a chunk of bone off with it...

Not fun. I had an avulsion fractor of my fibula. I was lucky that I didn't need surgery.

My best advice is to follow what your doctor / physio say as far as recovery. Don't try to be a hero and speed it up. Slow and steady wins the race. As an example, I was unsure if the ligaments in my foot would reconnect themselves or if they'd be just flappin' inthe breeze for the rest of my life. The doc put me in the cast for 6 weeks total and during that time I felt fine and considered goign out for a drive or a ride. When I had my last followup the doc confirmed that the ligaments reconnected and it was the 6 weeks in the cast that gave them that opportunity. I f I had ditched the boot then I would probably have prevented the ligaments from re-connecting and needed surgery.

I always said my goal was to get back to Karate as quickly as possible, NOT necessarily to get out of the cast quickly.

Good luck with your healing! I feel your pain. Literally! :D

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Avulsion Fracture? Where the ligament/tendon is stretched so far that rather than tearing the tendon it actually pulls a chunk of bone off with it...

Yeah, that's it. I couldn't remember what they called it. Doc wanted to cast my thumb but I talked him into letting me wear a brace. I told him my excuse was that I live alone and simple things like doing the dishes wasn't getting done, in fact, every dish I owned was dirty, piled up on the counter and I couldn't go another 4-weeks with a cast. So he said it was up to me if I actually listen to him or not and wear the brace anytime I'm not getting it wet. Of course, I should have let him cast it cause the only time I wear it is if I'm doing something where there's a chance I'll hit it or make it bend when it's not suppose to. I guess I'll find out how it's doing when I go back to the docs Sept 7th.

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