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Dragon trip video bickering and general douchbaggery


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I thought we were all watching a video, so whats all this shit about? I've hit the Dragon dozens of times and everyone on a sport bike gets a little crazy. I set my personel best of 14 minutes May 22 a.m. on my FZ1, only passed one cage and four cruisers. I broke the law all the way across the mountain big deal, so did the two R6s that passed me on a curve big deal #2. BTW great video, if someone wants to start calling me names now thats big deal #3. ;)

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Nice couple pages of bullshit. Really looking forward, when I get some time, to ban a couple of you weepy vaginas.

If anyone wants to push this please continue to post veiled threats, real threats, hopes of bodily harm and gay sex.

That said we are all riders here and part of a community. We are supposed to be looking out for each other. There's plenty of ignant cagers out there willing to take you out so there's no need to do it to each other. I don't care if someone's between bikes or not or if you only have 2. They are still a member here and we expect a little civility and grownupassedness.

Thank you for your support.


Edited by jagr
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Did I click on Columbus Racing instead of Ohio Riders?

You'd think so wouldn't ya...

Seriously, this thread is ridiculous.

Rules broken in this thread:

General Disregard for Others - 1pt

Personal Attacks - 3pts

Wishing Bodily Harm and/or Wreck - 3pts

Threats of Violence - 6pts

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If anyone wants to push this please continue to post veiled threats, real threats, hopes of bodily harm and gay sex.

Mother fucker, when did talking about gay sex leave you open for a banning? I think you will be very busy banning people if you intend to censor gay sex, you purdy mouthed sexy bitch.

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Mother fucker, when did talking about gay sex leave you open for a banning? I think you will be very busy banning people if you intend to censor gay sex, you purdy mouthed sexy bitch.

You will dance for Jagr!!! Then you will be Mounted!!!!


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can't resist..

Here is why the dragon isn't fun anymore.. Blue haired fucks deciding to go on a sunday fucking drive and drive so slow they started a day early..


we did manage to flirt with death a blurring GPS confirmed 17mph.. Pretty bad when the Can-Am spyder and Harley that pulled off to take a picture caught us. here's me doing some running man.. Any slower I'd have pushed the bike.


On the other hand. The Dragon is still fun even at quazi sane speeds.


There's exceptions to every situation.. I'm sorry with the kind of blind corners and stuff, driving slow I think is just as dangerous.. Maybe your video proves to be slightly more extreme a example.. But you do 10+ miles per hour below the posted speed limit Johnny Laws double yellows can kiss it.

I've ridden the dragon enough times.. When I go down there I make a couple passes for pictures and to get it out of my system.. There are so many other roads in that region that are so much more fun and a lot less traffic and leos to contend with.. 28 to north georgia is awesome.. Skyway is awesome, Devil's triangle, etc, etc.. If the dragon isn't any fun for you, don't ride it.. really that simple.. one less bike on that road, one less person who takes that chance to make the tree of shame.

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There are so many other roads in that region that are so much more fun and a lot less traffic and leos to contend with.. 28 to north georgia is awesome.. Skyway is awesome, Devil's triangle, etc, etc.. If the dragon isn't any fun for you, don't ride it.. really that simple.. one less bike on that road, one less person who takes that chance to make the tree of shame.

I've only been down that way twice and I can't even express the amount of truth that is in this statement

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