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Dream Big group ride: can it be real? State Wide?


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for a clinic instructional ride, there is no need to set any speed records.. Thats not the point.. When it comes to the mechanics and technique we have the stretches of roads to go over things.. that one stretch of 164 would be good.. few miles, has a little bit of everything..

+1 one on the idea of a OR track day though.. If I had leathers and the disposable income I'd have been hitting Nelson and Beaver Run already.

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I'm down for that. Hell' date=' you could lead and I could run sweep behind Josh to get a better view of his ass...er, I mean his riding performance. :eek:[/quote']

We are running out of good days to ride, so the date will need to be soon...The route is in memory, so were good there, minus lunch (if needed), gas stops and such, I know the route for me, not a group.

I don't mind leading, but I will need crucial feedback on everyone's comfortable pace.

If a track day is the choice, I will probably be out...I know I would ride like a "Tard" and break my bike!

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eskatly, dont feel have enuf income to do a track day to make it economical now. may be next season. if you guys serious about the clinic ride do set it up, 2-3 pros and 3 or 4 noobs :)

include me if i am there...

some part of 164 is nice, but loved the southern part of route nine, very nicee

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Regarding the video, i have many good clips, but not as many as i was expecting and not good enuf because of the cloudy weather which doesnt suit go pro. Plus having to distribute the t shirts in btw didnt help much either. Always running back and forth.

The worst part is, the riding footage which i mounted on helmet i messed up, hence no good footage of the big group slabbing down 77 which was one of the highlight reel i was looking for :( feel like suicide_fool-edit.gif


we should just get a massive slab ride together. maybe just in and around cleveland.

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it was so beautiful to see all the sports bike move in tandem obeying rules and wearing proper gear, complete paradox to st louis squid masala, alas all i have is top of my helmet and bike craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap sooooooooooooo anrgy grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *just broke the mouse*

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ci looked up the map a lot to find goo d gas stops and thats the only shitty gas stop we have on the route, didnt find any good one while on road as well, did any one notice any bigger and better ones?

when you have that many riders going through small country towns like that, its damn near impossible to avoid that situation. My joke was in reference to people just standing around bs'ing and killing time as opposed to waiting for others to gas up. Its a running joke around here :)

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That comment wasn't directed at you' date=' Doc. It was a generalization of OR.net rides, based on previous experiences. You're fuel stops were spot on and you did an amazing job organizing the meet up. Now, you just need to work on organizing the actual riding part. LoL...[/quote']

may be after couple of years when i learn to ride :) like i said am just a forum guy, real life i am an introvert and hide behind the scenes.

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