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Who want's to go to Wayne in October


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Beagleys is nice and has a shower bring quarters. Beagleys is also right off the trail . I think it is $15 dollars for two people on a electric camp site. I have camped at scarlet oaks parking area before it is free and very rustic. it does have a porta potty there. I have to watch my money I will deffinately love to do at least one day camping would be a bonus. I will know if I can make it maybe next week. put my son and I down for a deffinate maybe. Love riding wayne it has been to long.


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Im game for staying Saturday night the 15th for sure (pending weather forcast, i not going to ride in the cold ass rain, wet=fun, cold=ok, cold and wet=fail)i can be there right after work sat. morining around 9ish. If i dont work friday night ill come down friday afternoon. I have some firewood i can bring, big stuff but it is 2 years old and will burn well. Id say if someone is going friday try to reserve acouple sites side by side, becaus they have a customer appeciation event going on and it might be full up by sat. If yo uwant a electric site you had better reseve one now, i'm good with a primitive one, just me, my, rig and a little 7x7 pup tent. Web site say $7 for a primitive site with 2 people $2 per extra persons, it will be just me so ill split a site with someone, ill even pay for half of friday just to garentee me a spot. If anyone is wanting to stay sunday night let me know i might be game there too.

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I called the campground too reserved three spots... The lady told me that there is no way that the primitve camps will sell out and she said when i get there Friday to block or rope off however many spots i think we will use and pay for them at that time so just let me know if you would like to come down and i will make sure i have you a spot.

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Anyone still in? I am definitely still riding the 15th and 16th but if you guys dont have any interest in Wayne i may go to Walhonding... I dont care i just want to ride.

Edited by bowdog
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Im in for sure...don't matter where we go...my friday night looks to be opening up too so I might b able to camp both nights...walhomding is more epesive to camp $26. A night to camp plus$ 5 extra for your ATV trails wren as long..but im game for anything ..I just wanna ride

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Sounds good, just wanted to make sure people were still in before i kept planning camp sites and bought my wayne passes for both quads... I am the same way i just want to ride. Walhonding is more expensive for camping but as far as riding i think it is only $5 a day but i am not really sure i have not rode either one?

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I have to go to the BMV to get this "plate" correct?

:lol:MaxPower i just noticed your name!!!

Yes. You have to get an apv plate at the bmv and a pass available at a bunch of places.

When I went to Wayne i didn't need a plate. All I needed was a sticker the was $12 I got from the sunoco in nelsonville

See above. You used to need an apv sticker but they changed it to a plate this year.

Im guessing the sticker was too cheap and easy for the states liking and they want us to have some sharp steel on the Atv to slice ourselves up on.

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Yes. You have to get an apv plate at the bmv and a pass available at a bunch of places.

See above. You used to need an apv sticker but they changed it to a plate this year.

Im guessing the sticker was too cheap and easy for the states liking and they want us to have some sharp steel on the Atv to slice ourselves up on.

Yea but I just went a week ago and that's all I needed for a day of riding

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Hey Max if you have street plates do you still need the apv plate?

not sure. Can't imagine you would, I'd call the BMV to be sure.

Yea but I just went a week ago and that's all I needed for a day of riding

You probably still have a valid sticker. If no sticker and no plate, you can buy a day pass sticker and still be riding illegally.

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