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Plow Ideas for Riding Lawn Mower


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Do any of you know any decent cheap universal plow kits out there for riding lawn mowers. I am debating if I want to put a plow on the rider or just buy a snow blower. I don't have a a giant drive way but it is big enough to a pain in the ass to shovel. I am thinking that anything more than a couple hundred and then it's time to just buy a decent snow blower instead. A universal plow might work and I could always weld on some mounts if I had to.

This is apparently the plow that is made for the mower but at 300 plus tax I would almost rather buy a blower.


Here is my mower:


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Do yourself a favor and buy a snowblower that mower you have is not heavy enough to move any deep or heavy snow. We tried plowing with my grandparents kubota with chains on it and it weighs 900+ and it wouldn't move the heavy wet snow or anything more than a couple inches deep. My drive is 50x29 and I have a 24" blower from home depot works great.

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That tractor has an open differential.

If your driveway is flat, a blade will be fine.

If your driveway has any slope at all, that tractor, trying to push snow, is just going to spin the tires when there's any load on it at all.

Been there, done that. Bought a Simplicity 30", works like a champ.

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Do yourself a favour and get the blower...it is faster,does a better job,you never run out of room to put the snow,you don't end up with lingering piles of snow.Get something half way decent and it will last many years with a little bit of care.Bought one of those 2 stroke little Toro's for my Daughter for 50 bucks and fixed it up.They have been using it for 5 years.I was amazed at how well they worked.If you get alot of wet snow and the end of your drive gets plowed in I would get a 2 stage model.

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A quick measurement of my driveway on the auditors site shows that it is approx 40'x20' and it is a concrete driveway that is what I would call flat if anything may have a very very slight slope to it.

I found these blowers on craigslist, anyone have any info they could provide for these?


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what he is really trying to say is, Chevy's are not worth anything so its no big deal to run them into shit, but you have a really nice truck so he understands why you would not want to smash it into banks of snow!! :D

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for the money, you can't beat a craigslist snow blower...

I looked into the inexpensive hitch-mounted snow blades. Basically you're looking at $1,000 for something that will move small amounts of snow quickly, but be kind of useless in deeper snow.

a used snow blower does 0 damage to your daily driver, works pretty well, and is replaced very cheaply.

whatever brand you buy, go out and buy 2 extra belts for the auger. Every brand I've ever dealt with will snap or shred a belt when used in wet/heavy snow for prolonged periods, and it's no fun at all to be shoveling then.

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what he is really trying to say is, Chevy's are not worth anything so its no big deal to run them into shit, but you have a really nice truck so he understands why you would not want to smash it into banks of snow!! :D

the difference being the 2500 chassis and suspension will handle the beating of plowing better than an F150 (or Chevy 1500 for that matter)

My 2500HD is already set up to just add a plow and go but for much as I'd use it, its not worth it

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In general, plows are a purchased convenience. They cost more, but save time.

Of course they're necessary if you have a huge driveway, or own a business and need to clear your parking lot, but for 90% of residential applications, even a monster snow blower will cost less, and will operate longer for fewer maintenance dollars.

you can get one hell of a nice snow blower for $1300, or you can buy the shittiest plow in the world for the same money. Plus like Bad pointed out, you should really have at least a 3/4 ton pickup to handle it.

If you can afford the convenience of taking 2 passes with a plow instead of 15 with a snow blower, more power to you though.

I would have suggested a snow blower attachment for the riding mower, but those seem to cost as much or more than very decent snow blowers... (the model at home depot is $1500 for the attachment)

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I would never put a plow on a 150/1500 chassis. I also wouldn't buy a plow if I only had MY drive way to do.

I'll plow 12-16 hours a day in the winter then do my own drive way. My 04 GMC has 71,xxx miles I'd hate to know what the mileage in reverse is...

and yea, your Ford is to purdy to be bashing snow banks with.

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