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picked up another pet today

Steve Butters

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Got a new beardie today!

I visit the pet store by my house a few times a week to buy crickets for my other beardie, and i always stop and look at the reptiles. Ive been looking at this little guy for a few weeks and felt bad for it since its missing a leg (this is what happens when theyre kept together - even as babies). Well, today I finally sucked it up and pulled the trigger and bought it. Bought a small tank and stuff for it and everything I need. Im having a custom enclosure made for my adult beardie this week, so once this one grows out of the 10g I will move it to my 55g my adult is in now, or have another wooden one made for it. I'm not sure if its a boy or a girl yet, I tried to check but its so hard to tell when theyre so young so for now its just an "it". lol

I'm surprised at how well its doing. Soon as i got it home I dumped 10 crickets in with it and it went after them. Ate all of them except 2 that were able to hide under the paper towels. (It got those 2 before bed though while i was trying to remove them). I was shocked that it was eating right away, during the day it ate an entire bowl of greens (some carnation petals and mustard greens), it also used the bathroom today. None of the anxiety issues most of them have from a relocation, and it ate all its greens which is rare when theyre so young. And wow, its shedding like crazy! lol.. I can tell its going to be a great pet!

Not the original morph i wanted for my next beardie, but I love it just the same. Now I have an excuse to pick up a third one once I have the room and recoupe from the cost of this one lol. Next one will be a snow white one.

Not sure how old it is, from the size im guessing 2-3 months, but i really dont know.

Anyways, meet Tripod!





Edited by Steve Butters
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They are so cool!

yes they are!

heres a neat video of my adult hunting crickets...excuse the dirty glass, the previous owners didnt clean it and now its like etched and ruined...ill have her in a better enclosure by the weekend ....and the empty area where she is at, theres usually a log and a branch, but i take them out to feed her crickets so they cant hide in it lol


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No nobody will take him cuz you can't spend the time with him he deserves..... Or give you 500 bucks for him.


its funny you mention - because i was actually trying to give the adult one away a few months ago....i got her from my girls aunt and uncle and was going to rehome her and keep her tank for a snake, they werent taking care of her and i figured i could find her a good home...then after having her a few days she grew on me and i decided to keep her lol

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How much do one of those cost ?

at reptile shows you can get them for $25 for a regular one....they can be up to $200 at breeders for certain morphs...i paid $60 for Tripod at the pet store, my girls uncle paid $25 for Roxy at a reptile expo....the pet store was way overpriced....theyre kind of expensive to get setup and feed (i spent $100 just getting that crappy cheap 10g tank, and the lights and stuff i needed, not including the price of the dragon - and the new enclosure im having made is $210 for a no frills model, he usually charges $400...wish i was good at carpentry), crickets get expensive....im glad i bought my new one as a juvenile and not a hatchling or id go broke, they can eat up to 100 crickets a day as a hatchling which is like $10 lol...once i get my own place im starting a dubia roach colony and they will eventually all eat for just the cost of cat food to feed the roaches...itll be nice when its done

Holy cow that one eats a lot of crickets.

thats only what i gave her too lol....the babies can eat up to 100 a day, my juvenile would probably eat 50 if i let it, but im going to mix live crickets with freeze dried to save trips to the pet store...adult eats 30 of them twice a week, usually eats greens instead....ill be switching them to roaches instead next year

Edited by Steve Butters
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They are cute! We had lizards as kids but they never lived long.

this is a common problem...a lot of people get lizards for their kids without looking up the care requirements

its a miracle my adult has lived to 5 with how she was kept previously...these guys tanks have to be 80 degrees at one end, 90-95 at the other end, and 105-110 in the basking spot....plus they need a separate dedicated UVB light...my 55g i have 3 bulbs, 2 in my 10g...my 4x2x2 will only have 2 lights, but its going to be wood so it will insulate a lot better

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ive decided to not name the new one yet until i find out its gender lol...so for now, its just "it"

my adult sleeps on sand and burys in, but the baby was sleeping on cold paper towels on top of the glass bottom of the tank...so i put a little blanket in there for it and it loved it lol

heres how i found it this morning


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I thought they slept on heated rocks... must be just snakes

no reptile should ever sleep on heated rocks - those rocks are very dangerous due to reptiles not having heat sensors on their bellys...if theres any problem with the rock and it overheats the reptile will lay there until its burned very severly....they also arent able to sense when they should move, even if the rock isnt malfunctioning

bearded dragons sleep best with temps between 60 and 70...the lower temp slows down their heart rate and allows them to get a deep sleep...if the temps in your room dip below 60 for some reason you can use ceramic heat emitters, which are pretty much light bulbs that dont give off any light, just heat

not sure what temp snakes sleep at - but i imagine its around the same, probably varies by species....but heat mats are "ok" if you put a towel between them and the tank - but still not the best, and heat rocks are not good for reptiles...the vet today asked if i was using one, i told her no and she even commented "good, we call those death rocks"...ceramic heat emitters are the best for night heat (if any heat is even needed)

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Good to know. My brother had a snake and she did very well but she was very spoiled he would let her out for a bit in his apt. He did a lot of research first and I fed herand helped clean her tank when he was out of town. Its been a long time but I remember I had to watch her temp and the temp of the apt closely. He had to get rid of her when he got married...should of kept the snake.

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Good to know. My brother had a snake and she did very well but she was very spoiled he would let her out for a bit in his apt. He did a lot of research first and I fed herand helped clean her tank when he was out of town. Its been a long time but I remember I had to watch her temp and the temp of the apt closely. He had to get rid of her when he got married...should of kept the snake.

yea my girl is ok with anything that has legs...she would let me bring home a tiger before she let me bring home a snake lol

im still not completely convinced that ill never own one, but im not gonna fight her about it until the time comes that im ready to buy one...not worth it right now lol

i want a coastal carpet python eventually.

i had a ball python when i was a kid, but my mom gave it away..i love snakes

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