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For you gun folks...


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Are you F'in insane? Second term... WTF!

On a side note... What did everyone think of the dumbass loser launching rounds at the white house? Now I had to laugh because from the news I gathered he was roughly 800 yards away? Wasn't there so I am not positive. But would you really think that the glass on the white house was just standard glass? C'mon. I am seriously thinking this was staged! One of his ploys to further make guns look bad. Hell if he wants to make them look bad from 800 yards with his BP glass. Give me a M2 with AP ammo and we can give him a reason. Not this stupid shit!

its not the first time it's happened


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The Obama Administration has already been busted by basically giving the Mexican Cartel guns in the Fast & Furious scandal. They want situations of gun violence so that they can be heros and limit the second amendment. Just another problem, reaction, solution scenario. The easy way to bring about change is to make a problem that has the solution that you want in the first place.


Edited by alienpi
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I cant stand that subject all together...

I think we should pull all the active ATF agents and put our special Ops groups on this. Let them take care of this stuff. Supposevely they will be home soon enough to take care of it. God knows it is a unwritten law we cannot have all of our troops in the country at the same time. Who would be policing the world.

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I think we (as a country) are being set up. The DNC knew/ knows that Obama would burn a lot of bridges in one term, so they're going to bring in Hillary for phase two, and she's going to light the country on fire. Obama is just a stand in and primer for the real destruction. He's only a figurehead, hence he can be on vacation and playing golf more than he's in the Oval Office.


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