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Ohio: GF suing BF for tattooing a turd and flies her back


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Idk, something seems fishy here. Unless that girl is only 4 feet tall it would have taken a decent artist like 12 hours to.cover that much realestate. I have a big tattoo that goes shoulder to shoulder and from my neck down to below mi shoulder blades and I'm not embarrassed to say it hurt like a motherfucker, I don't see how anyone, drunk or not, could sleep through that. I call shenannigans.

Idk. It looks like a lot of shading, no solid lines. To be quite honest it probably was easy to fall asleep. I'm sure your back piece, like mine, has a lot more solid lines which hurt but they take a lot more time then shading does. I still think she deserved it. :)

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I'm guessing it would take a long time to squeeze $100k out of him.

Depends. Does he have a business that earns money? Or has insurance? Does he work for a tattoo place (that supplied the consent form?).

If he works at a place, used one of their consent forms then I would argue that we was acting within the scope of his duties as an employee, therefore the company (and its insurers) are subject to vicarious liability.

They would argue that he was acting outside the scop of his duties because he did not conduct himself in a manner that would be reasonable for a tattoo artist. Now you have either a deep-pocket insurer OR an expert witness for the plaintiff.

A judgement is good for 10 years, renewable once. They can give him hell for 20 years or until they sell the debt to a collections company, pocket $20k and watch him get hounded for years to come.

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I don't see how anyone, drunk or not, could sleep through that.

"And this is why, your honor, I submit to you that the plaintiff was so drunk that she was passed out. And the defendant knowingly continued with the tattoo despite the plaintiff being plainly and clearly so drunk that no reasonable person would consider her capable of giving consent. In his capacity as a tattoo artist, your honor, I put it to you that he knew he should not have proceeded with ANY tattoo under the circumstances. To further take advantage of the significantly inhebriated state that he encouraged in the plaintiff by changing the design from the agreed upon 'Narnia' tattoo was a further breach of trust for which we request punitive damaged in the amount of..."

Edited by Scruit
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Think of it this way... If she was so drunk she was in and out of consciousness through drink then having sex with her would be rape because she would be considered incapable of giving consent.

Yet he wants to argue she consented to a tattoo...

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I think what everyone is failing to realize is that she asked for a tattoo of "Narnia", which to us non dweeb live in the real world types is loosely translated into "pile of steamy shit"

In your capacity as counsel for the defense, I would LOVE you hear you try that line on a Judge.

It might just work. ;)

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I don't see how anyone, drunk or not, could sleep through that. I call shenannigans.

Actually I feel asleep when they where coloring in my tramp stamp. The artist kicked me and told me to wake up because the should hurt lol. I was sober for the record.

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"And this is why, your honor, I submit to you that the plaintiff was so drunk that she was passed out. And the defendant knowingly continued with the tattoo despite the plaintiff being plainly and clearly so drunk that no reasonable person would consider her capable of giving consent. In his capacity as a tattoo artist, your honor, I put it to you that he knew he should not have proceeded with ANY tattoo under the circumstances. To further take advantage of the significantly inhebriated state that he encouraged in the plaintiff by changing the design from the agreed upon 'Narnia' tattoo was a further breach of trust for which we request punitive damaged in the amount of..."

"Redirect, your honor. The plaintiff did not want to be sober because of the pain. She chose to be inebriated so she would be able to deal with it better."

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This is funny stuff! I think in court it could go either way. If she wins then he will pay 100K and more than likely for the tattoo removal as well. However, there are many different routes for either lawyer to take that could change the outcome. This will be interesting to see the outcome of.

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Fake story, the photo is over a year old. "tattoo" most likely done with a sharpie. I know a prince in Nigeria who needs to get some gold bars out if the country if any of you suckers are free this weekend.

yeah, I am bettign that's the case as well.

Tattoo artists are a pretty tight community. I would bet you could ask any tattoo artist in the Dayton area who this guy is.

They'll either know him, and tell you this is bullshit, or they've never heard of him, which means it's DEFINITELY bullshit.

...plus I checked the Montgomery County docket, and there is no case on file with this guy as the defendant.

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