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Lets talk about dreams.


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So I can't remember the last time I recalled a dream after awaking. Looking back it seems like years since I remember waking up thinking to myself, " Damn that was a weird one" I used to recall dreams very frequently when I was younger.

Whats everyones input?

sleep apnea

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For whatever reason I seem to have rather vivid dreams, and somewhat frequently. However there is always some oddball aspect to them, as in houses that are missing a wall, or being able to fly in a car. Just really odd shit. But they are in color, and I can feel things in them. I think its just my brain cleaning out my subconscious fridge while I am asleep. I do know that when I am focusing very hard on projects at work, they will appear in my dreams as I am in the midst of them. Makes it hard to get away from work that way.

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A guy on jeopardy last night claimed to have been keeping a journal of his dreams for the past 10 years and only has a few days that he hasn't been able to recall them.

I only remember my lucid dreams but none of the rest.

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I woke up in a sweat a couple weeks ago. Freaking the F out. My fiance looked at me funny!

I had dreamed that a tie rod busted on the f150 and it pulled itself into the river. It was me and my mollie dog (springer I hunt with).

Strange thing was the water was clear (yeah, not around here)...

I could not roll a crank window down.

The truck flipped but mollie was still sitting on the seat next to me.

Water was pouring in through the vents of the truck?

Mollies cheeks were puffed out like she was holding her breath...

:nono: no more salsa at bedtime... WTF!

My memory was very vivid on that one! Weird thing was I never dream and if I do I rarely remember anything but bits and pieces. This one was way too vivid.

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What I remember usually depends on how I am awakened.

Usually dream of flying/heights or running (not away from anything, more like cross-country running). Also tend to work through problems or projects...

Occasionally strange ones. Just recently I was in Vegas, but it was in the middle of the ocean. Las Vegas Boulevard was deep, choppy water.

...And then there are the clowns. I hate clowns.

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Mine are kind of all over the place. I have a few recurring dreams one of which scares the crap out of me because it is sort of a silent hill/ the decent type dream. A lot of my dreams involve people or situations that have happened to me in the previous day. If I am cold my dreams tend to be more fucked up.

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Start keeping a dream journal if you want to remember them. You can train your brain to recall each dream you have in a night, because you have anywhere from 2-5 dreams in a night. All you have to do is keep a journal next to your bed and when you wake up jot down anything you can remember from your dreams before you do anything else. Rinse and repeat. After a few weeks you'll start remembering more from each night.

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