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In the event of a non-zombie apocalypse... What would you do?


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^ same. My ass is heading to my parents. Dad has been paranoid for a while now. Last time he was in town he picked up a years supply of dried goods. He has a few guns and 10k rounds .223 and a couple thousand rounds of 12 gauge. Not sure how much 9 mm he has but I am sure it's enough. They live right on the lake with few neighbors.

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I have 2 great places to choose from, and I'm not gonna tell where.;) I would give it a week max at home, then probably bug-out to one of my 2 excellent strongholds. And massive solar flares knocking out the entire US electrical grid could very well happen, other countries are taking that possibility seriously "THE USA is not".:rolleyes:

Edited by Pokey
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I have MANY 5 gal jugs of water and 10 cases of roman noodles that i constantly use and restock. Tons of canned food and dried food. I have guns and plenty on ammo for them. I also ALWAYS have 20-50 gall of gas that i use and refill yearly. I have a well and a cistern that is clean and full. To tell you the truth once i realize all hell has broken loose i'm headed to the grocery and using my TRUCK to shop. Once it all hits the fan the people who REACT will be better prepaired than the people who cry and hide.

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Like many others have said, the first winter will be the equalizer. This country is just packed full of natural resources. It's also full of useless morons with no clue on how to utilize those resources.

I'll be getting as far away from other humans as possible. The first few months will have plenty of people focused on killing each other instead of surviving themselves. The takers will die off when there is nothing left to take. Actually... come to think of that, Would it be such a bad thing?

I think so many people will die in the first year or two, after that it'll be smooth sailing for those that are left. The useless will die off/kill each other, leaving a massive country that can easily sustain those that survived.

Either that, or somebody/group gains control of the military and enslaves us all... then it's all fucked.

Edited by mgbgt89
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Communication would be my worry. Phones will be toast. A posse of friends needs formed at a location. It be hard to protect your house at night with less than 4 guns. Turn your light on and your a target. Any house that looks like refuge would be a target to groups of assholes. Horses would be shot for food unless hidden or useful. Dogs would be good detectors. You'd get one shot to get where your going until gas is gone. Stay home or meet somewhere would be my question. Depends who/what the threat is.

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Communication would be my worry. Phones will be toast. A posse of friends needs formed at a location. It be hard to protect your house at night with less than 4 guns. Turn your light on and your a target. Any house that looks like refuge would be a target to groups of assholes. Horses would be shot for food unless hidden or useful. Dogs would be good detectors. You'd get one shot to get where your going until gas is gone. Stay home or meet somewhere would be my question. Depends who/what the threat is.

Get these for comms. Forget the standard two way radios.


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Bunker down for a week then grab all the essential things you need and get out of the city. I keep 15 gals of gas at the house at all times and anywhere between 20-30 gallons of water. Have plenty of dried canned goods also. We also keep the dried seeds from our garden for the next year so those would come in handy for long term. And of course the guns and ammo along with the camping stuff.

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I'll mount guns on the bike and become the helmet avenger. I'll rescue the weak and unarmed from the evil doers who surely will roam the streets helping themselves to the spoils of a strong mans world.


I'll unite with my neighbors and shoot anyone I don't know within five miles on the houses.

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I'll mount guns on the bike and become the helmet avenger. I'll rescue the weak and unarmed from the evil doers who surely will roam the streets helping themselves to the spoils of a strong mans world.

I'll throw thumb tacks, and you'll crash...:D

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I'll throw thumb tacks, and you'll crash...:D

Thumbs tacks? I ride over those just for the extra traction it gives me in the blood and guts left from the dead bodies.:D Besides I'll have John deer tractor tires mounted on it by then.;)

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I like to pre-chub in most situations too. You can never be too prepared.


I'll construct a sidecar for the RR, raid a local gun store, and mount a Browning .50cal to it. I'll raid the DSCC and mount some 30mm gatlings (GAU-8/A Avenger) to the house with depleted uranium rounds, also tow back a trailer filled with LAW's, AT4's, Claymore mines, MRE's, some Stingers for air defense, and the super-secret Mech battle suit that I know they have in there. gen3 will be my personal pilot, flying the (raided) plane of her choosing outfitted with some Hellfires/Sidewinders/JDAMs bolted on with the help of DSCC personnel, who I will shoot after they have finished their task as they are clearly a threat to me. If it flies over the house, I shoot it. If it moves around the house, I shoot it. If I'm hungover from raiding World of Beer, I shoot everything.

After I've established a sufficient defensive posture, I'll head down to OSU to shoot innocent civilians that I believe are trying to loot my stash, stop by the Cane's to relieve them of their sauce reserves and liberate the recipe, then to the Medical Center to engineer a virus that starts turning people into zombies.

Edited by Cheech
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Probably head towards the family's farm unless we've purchased land by then and already started building my BOS.

Ensure that your car is sufficiently marked so to avoid my indiscriminate bombing raids on freeway drivers that potentially pose a threat to me.

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