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Motorcycles bad for back?


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from a guy on a hypersport couch, I can honestly say I have NO idea what you're talking about.

several 16 hr+ intervals and a 30 hr+ interval with no pains... leg, back or otherwise.

Ok, maybe it's just me then. No back problems just a stiff knee and worn out legs. I'm not one for riding like that yet at least.

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As for the work comp payments. My understanding that yes it is insurance. In fact I am required to get work comp INSURANCE, as well as liability insurance, when doing contract work as a business or sole proprietor for some of the companies I work for (separate issue) that said, it is also my understanding that it is paid for by both the employer and the state. So, I can only assume the comment came from my "noBama" sig line. So because I am an open anti Obama guy, because in general I believe in conservative values, I should pay for my MRI, all the doctor costs, time off work, etc out of pocket for an injury that occurred on the job?

As for unemployment, that is definitely funded by a combination of government and employer. And its paid INTO by the employee via taxes

NoBama 2012

Please. I don't give the slightest of fucks what you put as a sig on your posts. I'm just pointing out that you hold your values to be the bastion of personal responsibility, rugged individualism, and all the things that made 'Murica great. Someone falls down, they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get back up again without asking for a handout from Uncle Sam for help. Stuff like that.

So let me get this straight. Welfare, which is paid into by the employee, is bad. Unemployment insurance, which is paid into by the employee and employer, is also bad. Workers comp, which is paid into by the employer, is great! It's so much awesome that instead of taking it easy when your doctor explicitly states that you can't do any heavy lifting, you instead ride your supersport with its racing riding position to work.

It has nothing to do with Obama, it has everything to do with walking the conservative walk. The safe thing to do would be buying single-coverage health insurance so that these incidents would be covered. If the injury was the fault of your employer, and not knowing anything about it I'll assume for these purposes that it was, then that's what the civil court system is for. Sue them for civil damages. Since you didn't do either of these things for various reasons (cost understandably being high on that list) then yes, I would expect you to take personal responsibility for your actions and not suck off the public teat you claim to hate so much.

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I propose this thread get moved to the unseen politics category. No one wants this on the front page per management’s actions. You guys need to stop talking politics or I'm complaining.

I find your proposition deeply offensive. Edit your post at once or I'm complaining about your complaining.

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Cheech.... Do we know each other? Have we talked politics? Haven't read all of your thread yet, but wondering where you are getting all your info on my beliefs.

NoBama 2012

Posts on the internet don't just vanish into thin air after the thread hits page 2, you know. That, and I have a long memory about such things.

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I find your proposition deeply offensive. Edit your post at once or I'm complaining about your complaining.

I am offended by your offense. I intend to keep reading this thread no matter how much I don't like the subject matter and if you don't curb your behavior I will do everything I can to get you to comply to my senses about appropriate internet topics. Not reading political threads is not an option you not putting them right in my face and hiding them is how it's supposed to work around here. Get with the program or I will ask management to sanction you.

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Cheech is lumping all conservatives' views together, and using it against your argument. :D

-----------------NOT FOR UNCLE PUNK CONSUMPTION--------------------

Not necessarily, although that would be really easy to do. I'm merely remarking on the mount-fucking-Everest of cognitive dissonance between his spoken views on social programs and the actual things that he does.


I like motorcycles.

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I am offended by your offense. I intend to keep reading this thread no matter how much I don't like the subject matter and if you don't curb your behavior I will do everything I can to get you to comply to my senses about appropriate internet topics. Not reading political threads is not an option you not putting them right in my face and hiding them is how it's supposed to work around here. Get with the program or I will ask management to sanction you.

Your proposal is accepted.

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Posts on the internet don't just vanish into thin air after the thread hits page 2, you know. That, and I have a long memory about such things.

Not saying you're inaccurate. I think I hold similar beliefs to a lot of the "anti government tit sucker" conservatives on here. Just didn't know I did that good of a job on making my beliefs known:). (unless you're friends w me on Facebook. Then it's painfully obvious.).

I make no apologies for having my employers work comp insurance pay for an injury that happened while working for him.

NoBama 2012

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Not necessarily' date=' although that would be really easy to do. I'm merely remarking on the mount-fucking-Everest of cognitive dissonance between his spoken views on social programs and the actual things that he does.


Wow. Quite a chip on the shoulder of someone I've never met. I must be doing better than I thought!

Workmans comp= social program? really? Again. No apologies. If this weren't a public forum Id give you some other details.

NoBama 2012

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I had to stop riding cruisers because my back would slip out of place in the relaxed, slumping position that cruisers require. Later I tried a sport bike and it really exercised my lower back, I found that over time, the low back work out, actually strengthened my back and reduced my overall problems. So I contend that riding a sport bike is good for your back!

^^^ What he said.

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Wow. Quite a chip on the shoulder of someone I've never met. I must be doing better than I thought!

Workmans comp= social program? really? Again. No apologies. If this weren't a public forum Id give you some other details.

NoBama 2012

I honestly don't mean disrespect, but I could care less what the details were. It is impossible to reason your way out of a position you never reasoned yourself into to begin with. If you earnestly believe that Workers Comp and other such programs like Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, disability, et cetera aren't social benefits, then you and I clearly aren't in the same library, much less the same page.

I'm chalking this up to yet another example of the "I've got mine, now lets see what I can get away with!" ethos. To answer your original question, I can only speak from experience riding similar supersports, and my lower back starts to throb a little after a hour or so of saddle time. You didn't want this answer, of course, you wanted everyone to validate your own conclusion.

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yea my lower back used to get sore after an hour on the 600rr. The 636 was a little better but on the VFR its much better

If the man has never been on a supersport, its obvious why he would make a dispute. Plus, it looks good on the company and they usually get hit less hard with bullshit from the BWC whereas the employee usually gets the same benefits. Happens at my company all the time

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Not to derail the thread, But my back is much less sore after a few hours on my bike than an hour in my old broken down pickup truck bench seat. I haven't spent a whole lot of time on sport bikes, but what I've had it was mostly arms and legs that were sore, never my back. Only back pains I've had were on laid back cruisers, since road bumps seem to be transmitted directly into your spine.

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Not to derail the thread, But my back is much less sore after a few hours on my bike than an hour in my old broken down pickup truck bench seat. I haven't spent a whole lot of time on sport bikes, but what I've had it was mostly arms and legs that were sore, never my back. Only back pains I've had were on laid back cruisers, since road bumps seem to be transmitted directly into your spine.

CB350's were never known for their plush suspensions.

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