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Detroit has a bike week? What???


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lol you guys are so silly...

take a look at where the event actually happens. its 40 miles outside of detroit. its not like its on 8 mile... hell, its not even in wayne county. its in oakland county, which is one of the WEALTHIEST COUNTIES in america. oakland county is definitely NOT hood.

the event takes place in a little town called commerce, MI, which is just north of novi, and about 10 miles west of bloomfield. bloomfield is one of the richest cities in america too. about half the homes there are over a million dollars, and the median income is like 200K per year. this is like the new albany of detroit.

tl;dr the event is not in the hood. not even close, and is probably worth a visit.

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Last year left home @ around 7am and arrived the next day @7:30pm got stuck in rest area in Indiana waiting out a downpour for over 3hrs and got late start second morning I was making good time until got stuck in storm. The year before was about same time but I wasn't alone that year had a buddy with me and he was smoking at the time and had never rode over 400 miles in a day. I always try for at least half way before I stop for the night.

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