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Tell me your "glitch in the Matrix" stories.


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Just moved into the house I grew up in before my parents got divorced. Im laying here alone this morning reading all these and now I'm to afraid to get out of bed for fear of "seeing" something. Assholes...

Also make sure your feet are under the covers. You dont want that monster under the bed to grab them.:D

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I hear something on my nightstand move everynight (think die rolling on its side). I keep trying to catch it, but nothing ever moves.

We also have the door to the attic that is always coming open, even though it latches well.

The bathroom door always opens when I am pooping. Scares the shit out of me.

Our dog stares at corners and tracks invisible shit across ghe room all the time. Not sure if she is seeing things, or is just retarded.

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Ok this happened about 12 years ago. I was living in an apartment in Tipp City. I had went fishing and caught a few catfish and brought them home to clean and eat. So i clean them and throw the heads, guts and what have you in a plastic bag. Then set it out in the trash on the back porch. Now i lived on the corner aprtment the was beside the drive that leads to the parking lot behind the building. The landlord was a real cunt about me keeping my back porch clean because you can see it when pulling in the parking lot. So anyway a couple summer days go by and the fish scraps are getting alittle ripe and trash day was still a few days away. I dont need the landlord bitchin about it or want the other tenants smelling it so i decide im going to get ride of them on my way to work the next morning. So the next morning i grab the bag with fish scraps in it, toss it in the back of my truck and take the back country roads to work. So out in the middle of nowhere i say fuck it im going to just toss'em here in the ditch. I hop out chuck'em in the ditch and head to work. Now here is where the sotry goes wierd. After work i come home to find that bag of fish guts on my back porch in the same exact spot. Like i had never took them with me in the morning. And there is no way anybody saw me that morning. It was still dark in the morning and there were no houses or cars around to see me do it. I still dont know how that bag made it back.

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When I go to bed, I turn the computer monitor off. When my wife gets up in the morning, it is on with the pictures scrolling that only run for about 15 minutes of inactivity.

I need to check the history.

That would freak me the hell out.

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A friend of mine used to rent a bungalow in north hill area of Akron. It was haunted as Fuck, especially the basement, which contained the only bathroom in the place. After dark we would piss in our empty beer cans for fear of going down there. My buddy eventually put a baby monitor in the basement so we could listen to his ghost. One night I was over and we were watching the movie boondock saints for the first time. The sounds of muffled voices and general clunking and bumping grew louder from the monitor, and I yelled ” would you shut the Fuck up so we can watch the movie?” The movie freezes. Nobody hit pause,the DVD player froze up and had to be turned off and back on. There want one mark, scratch or smudge on the disk. Other strange things: a set of footprints in the snow below his kitchen window with no prints leading to or from them. Beer bottles flying several feet to smash into brick walls, other electronic devices randomly operating....my buddy moved out after a few months.

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A friend of mine used to rent a bungalow in north hill area of Akron. It was haunted as Fuck, especially the basement, which contained the only bathroom in the place. After dark we would piss in our empty beer cans for fear of going down there. My buddy eventually put a baby monitor in the basement so we could listen to his ghost. One night I was over and we were watching the movie boondock saints for the first time. The sounds of muffled voices and general clunking and bumping grew louder from the monitor, and I yelled ” would you shut the Fuck up so we can watch the movie?” The movie freezes. Nobody hit pause,the DVD player froze up and had to be turned off and back on. There want one mark, scratch or smudge on the disk. Other strange things: a set of footprints in the snow below his kitchen window with no prints leading to or from them. Beer bottles flying several feet to smash into brick walls, other electronic devices randomly operating....my buddy moved out after a few months.

They say aparitions use power from around them. Flash light batteries running down suddenly and electronics being distorted

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Here's a 'feel-good' story (Compared to some of your freaky ones..)

My grandmother (mother's mother) passed had passed away while I was still a kid. A couple of days before passing, she told mum she would come and check up on her as a butterfly, and make sure all was well.

The day after she had passed, my mother went to retrieve the mail. As she opened the mailbox, a butterfly flew out of the box, landed on her for a moment, then flew off on its way.

I was a summer camp counselor throughout high school. Without fail, late each summer I would have a large (4-5" wingspans) butterfly or moth land on me and stay put for a while. The kids would touch, poke and pet it, and they would just sit there. The last summer I worked there, a bright yellow and olive-brown moth landed on me, largest moth I'd ever seen. Its wings were larger than my hand. This moth clinged right to my chest for well over an hour as we hiked about. Eventually as we walked past a pond, it flew off into the reeds.

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