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Why the stop censorship thing on the front page?


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Lyn0u.png Current law forces copyright owners to submit DMCA takedown requests if copyrighted content is found on a site. These requests must include the direct link to the link/content in question. The website owner then has X amount of time to respond and remove the content. Sites, including Ohio Riders, could soon be held responsible under SOPA and/or PIPA for links to any copyrighted material. Since sites like Ohio Riders depend on user submitted content, that makes us much more vulnerable. For instance, a user could submit a link to a video with a copyrighted song. It happens. If this happens numerous times, the US Government can say we are facilitating the spread of pirated material. This would allow them to take control of our domain name, blacklist us, etc., essentially taking us offline for good. We do not have the money to pay for lawyers to help us fight something like this. The idea of our country promoting a free and open Internet, then looking to enable the same censoring technology as used in countries like China is heart-wrenching. Please, take a minute to help send the message to our representatives that this sort of Internet censorship simply is not acceptable by signing Google's petition here and sending an email to your representative directly via the Electronic Freedom Foundation's site here.

Today several major sites across the Internet are blacking out in protest of PROTECT IP and SOPA. I decided against this, but still want to help spread the message. I decided to instead place this notice on the front page in hopes that many of you will take the time to sign the protest and email your representatives. Normally I wouldn't have anything political on the front page like this, but these two bills could very well threaten the existence of this website and many, many others.
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Kudos, Ben! Signed as well. My livelyhood is based on the proper aqcuistion of copyrighted material over the internet. This bill is not the proper way to ensure that happens. This bill is the proper way to strengthen the shackles placed upon liberty.

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FYI, Ohio's Sherrod Brown is a co-sponsor and big fan of the Senate version, PIPA. Please remember that when he is up for reelection. Portman has been publicly against it for some time.

The above comment is copyrighted. If you reply and quote me I will file a DMCA takedown notice with Casper.

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Portman has been publicly against it for some time.

do you have a link or anything for this? i've been looking online, but i have not been able to find a public statement on his stance.

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