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Biker arrested for taking 3-yr-old child for a ride


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A Tampa man was arrested this morning on one count of felony child neglect after deputies stopped him while driving a motorcycle with his 3-year-old son in his lap.

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Doesn't say anything about if the kid was wearing a helmet or not. If they we're, than that's horseshit. Hope the guy can afford a good lawyer. I bet the 3 year old loved it, and now will grow up to distrust police officers. Nice work.

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Depends on how the kid was carried. 5-10mph in a subdivision is different than 30mph on a main road. Did the kid have ANY gear on at all?

30mph on a bike for a 3yr old with street clothes on is asking for trouble. Buddy of mine used to take his kids upa dn down the subdivision on his bike at under 10mph but they had some semblance of gear (knee pads, elbow pads, gloves and bicycle helmet)

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They make little harnasses that hold young passengers to the back of the rider. I assume those are the "restraints" referenced.

Laws vary by state, but most require that passengers can reach the pegs, and anyone under 18 must have a helmet. No one can reach the pegs when they're in front of the rider.

The guy broke the law. If the article is accurate, I don't see any reason he shouldn't be ticketed and charged with endangering the child.

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Maybe it was the distance from home why he was ticketed? My boy is 2 and i take him down my alley that leads to a culdisac and back. I might only get up to 10mph doing it though. Most of the time before i go for a ride he wants to go too. So he hops on his Indian and we cruise the sidewalk for a while (see avatar pic).

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I believe in Ohio it is illegal to have a passenger sitting in front of you on a bike. Still I think the situation should determine the means. Like others said 10 mph in a bubdivision is different than 30 down a busy street.

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So then do they want them to use a car seat ( Chevy or Casper posted a thread to lazy to look) thats just gonna cause more harm.

No, I think the issue most LEO have with anyone carrying a child in front of them while riding is that if they are too small to ride on the back they are not likely to be safe riding in front of you either. As I said though, it usually ends up being a judgement call as to where you are and how fast you are going. kind of like kids being in the bed of a pickup.

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This is the stupidest thing I have heard in awhile. It pisses me off really. At the age of 3 my Dad sat me on the tank of his Kz1000 all the time for rides. Im not talking to the end of the road and back either. We would take rides that lasted most of the day on weekends. This was not only fun for me as a little boy it also taught me and helped me develope a feel for riding at a young age. Aound that same time is when I started riding a little Kawasaki kv75 on my own in the back fields. I will say the time I spent with my sitting on the tank riding with my Dad made me a better rider when I was able to go out on my own. I had experiance all of the differant aspects and feels for riding and it made me feel more natural,comfortable and safer when I did get my license. I would rather had it that way. Ive seen alot of people with no riding experience buy a motorcycle because its cool and dont have a clue. I wont let this happen to my boy. I would rather him have some of the same experience I did rather than him go get a bike at 16 not know what he is doing and kill himself on it....

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airbag?? on a motorcycle??
Google for motorcycle airbag suit. Or something like that...
Familiar w it. But still think it was sarcasm.

Yeah, guess it was a bad joke:D.......my fault for assuming everyone could hear the tone in my keyboard;)

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I totally agree that the nature of the ride matters a lot, but some people seem to be missing the point... The guy wasn't ticketed for taking his kid on a ride, he was ticketed for doing it in a manner that violates the laws governing motorcycle passengers.

If the kid were on the back, geared up, and secured by one of those strap devices, or by touching the pegs, I would imagine the officer would have sent them on their merry way.

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I totally agree that the nature of the ride matters a lot, but some people seem to be missing the point... The guy wasn't ticketed for taking his kid on a ride, he was ticketed for doing it in a manner that violates the laws governing motorcycle passengers.

If the kid were on the back, geared up, and secured by one of those strap devices, or by touching the pegs, I would imagine the officer would have sent them on their merry way.

I thought he was charged with felony child endangerment?

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