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Track bike project in full swing


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So as a few of you know I sold my RC51 and am turning the funds into a dedicated track bike. Well, I decided to go the route of a project build, rather than just dump $3k+ on an established track bike. Not that there is anything wrong in doing that, as there are lots of good deals out there to be had. But between frugality and the desire to build something all my own, I found an 05 GSXR 750 (well most of one) for a song and dance, and decided that was a good platform to build from. I've since set about acquiring parts, and am getting back to spending quality time in my garage, something I haven't done in a while. Given the resurrecting nature of my project, I have been taking pics and documenting what I've got and what's been done as a means of entertaining myself throughout my project. For those interested, I'll share the whole thing once its done, but until here is the first pic I took when I brought home my project. It doesn't look like much now, and even less then (granted only a week ago) but she should round out nicely. I am sure it will end up being more bike that I am capable of maximizing on the track, but while I am antsy for the days of cutting cold laps far behind the likes of blue0636, jbot, SJC1000rr, I am enjoying giving new life to this gixxer. I can tell you it's a solid base for a tracker, as the motor is tight, the frame is true, and the rims are properly round. Alright, enough typing. Back out to the garage to clean and build!

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One of my favorite years of 750s... I have some odds and ends sitting around the house you can have if you'd like. I know a set of throttle bodies and some other things like race pads, etc...

If you ever need any help, give me a holler... I even have set up notes and such...


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One of my favorite years of 750s... I have some odds and ends sitting around the house you can have if you'd like. I know a set of throttle bodies and some other things like race pads, etc...

If you ever need any help, give me a holler... I even have set up notes and such...



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And just when I was thinking about giving r1 some props for all his help, he brings the group's sexuality into question. This "man" whom has yet to come away from BeaveRun without jbot's bite marks all up his back.:sexytime:

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good luck with your build, what are you plans?
Thanks! For now, just get it to a solid track-worthy state. It will be pretty close to stock, though never streetable again(it has no title, just a junk cert). No PCIII yet or full system, just the stock ECU and I'll pick up a slip on at some point in the coming weeks. (I'm still looking for a stock header with flange right now). I do plan to do the 520 conversion, and I replaced the stock throttle with a M-Pro Revolver kit. Otherwise, its just track skins and stock motor parts. Depending on how it does this season will dictate just what happens during the offseason next year.
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Thanks! For now, just get it to a solid track-worthy state. It will be pretty close to stock, though never streetable again(it has no title, just a junk cert). No PCIII yet or full system, just the stock ECU and I'll pick up a slip on at some point in the coming weeks. (I'm still looking for a stock header with flange right now). I do plan to do the 520 conversion, and I replaced the stock throttle with a M-Pro Revolver kit. Otherwise, its just track skins and stock motor parts. Depending on how it does this season will dictate just what happens during the offseason next year.

I have a spare set of track skins for this bike, upper and lower no tail kinda beat up but trackable if your interested I will make you a deal

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Awesome, I love projects (on a side note...probably why I'm dating my current girlfriend). Looks like we will be seeing mote of you at the track this year?
I do plan to put in more track days this year. r1chaser and I have 6 already scheduled, with hopes of one or two more if the family schedule allows. But by the beginning of September I am most likely done since I coach youth football and my son plays as well.

And good luck with your XX chromosome project. I've been mostly married to the same girl for 19 years, and its still a project.:D

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Please tell me your changing that exhaust. :p
Shiiiiit...that shortay D&D can is pimpin'!

Yeah, um that was the first thing I tore off the bike. You wouldn't believe how that POS was rigged on the hacked up header. I've seen 8th grade metal shop projects done with better quality.

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