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Did you get out and vote?


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Me? Here's a few:

Separation of Church and State

Secular Governing

Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Due Process

Habeas Corpus

Equal Rights for All

I'm with you, although I don't buy seperation of church and state. I'm not sure we can get on the same page on how to achieve equal rights. I want less government to accomplish it. The government doesn't want us getting along they like inequality. We will never have racial equality until we end affirmative action for instance. We all bleed the same color last time I checked. No more stiffer penalities for gay bashing, assault is assault.

No more "special treatment "for anyone! Equal is equal not equal plus a little.

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I'm with you, although I don't buy seperation of church and state. I'm not sure we can get on the same page on how to achieve equal rights. I want less government to accomplish it. The government doesn't want us getting along they like inequality. We will never have racial equality until we end affirmative action for instance. We all bleed the same color last time I checked. No more stiffer penalities for gay bashing, assault is assault.

No more "special treatment "for anyone! Equal is equal not equal plus a little.

We can't get on the same page for equal rights, because invariably conservatives poison the debate by bringing religion into what should be a secular discussion about civil policy.

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We can't get on the same page for equal rights, because invariably conservatives poison the debate by bringing religion into what should be a secular discussion about civil policy.

When did I do that? I'm guessing you are referring to gay marriage. My solution the government has no business deciding who can marry. No benefits for being M/M, M/W, WW, T/T, or another combination. Hell if 3 people wish to marry so be it.

The federal government has no business telling the states, counties, or cities that they can't. Have Jesus, Mary, the ten commandments, atheism rules, the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc on. The town square. That's between the citizens and the city, county, or state.

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What are atheism rules?

You know like Ohio riders rulez! I was throwing something atheist I'm the mix as to not be accused of being anti athiest because ATHEISM RULEZ! :D Just striving for equality. :)

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well congratulations. Now you are not part of the voting population, and no politician will ever care what you think.

If you're really that disheartened with the candidates, show up and submit an blank ballot.

I would say the same to those in the "giant douche or turd sandwich" camp.

Or better yet, vote for someone who you believe has zero chance of winning.

Ron Paul will not win this election, but my hope is that he draws enough support that the Republican party pulls their heads out of their asses and realizes that they HAVE NO BASE, or have lost track of who it is. They will need Libertarian votes to beat Obama.

In my most optimistic moments, I foresee a day that we'll actually have a legitimate 3(+) party system, but to get there, it appears that the Republican party is going to have to fracture. badly. I say bring it on. If McCain, Palin, Romney and Santorum are the best they have to offer, blowing the whole thing up and starting over sounds great to me.


you are right and im usually more dedicated, and, quite well versed in all the arguments supporting ones duty to show up.... but it wasnt and still is not in me. lets see what the general election brings. :o hey -- grapesmuggler27's ticket (sheen/lohan) -- that would have been an excellent pencil in for the zero chance of winning ticket. :D

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If they take away our right to keep and bear arms

We have a right to keep and bear arms? Damn, that's news to me. I thought it was a priveledge with lots of paperwork, fees, waiting, and stipulations, and that can be revoked at any time.

Unless by "arms" you mean unloaded and cased unmuffled semi-automatic firearms of a certain length.


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We have a right to keep and bear arms? Damn, that's news to me. I thought it was a priveledge with lots of paperwork, fees, waiting, and stipulations, and that can be revoked at any time.

Unless by "arms" you mean unloaded and cased unmuffled semi-automatic firearms of a certain length.


:lol: I hear ya!

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We have a right to keep and bear arms? Damn, that's news to me. I thought it was a priveledge with lots of paperwork, fees, waiting, and stipulations, and that can be revoked at any time.

Unless by "arms" you mean unloaded and cased unmuffled semi-automatic firearms of a certain length.



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