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So a guy walks up to me while I'm getting on my bike...


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... and says; "Is that a camera?" while pointing at at the gopro mounted on my helmet.

Me: "Yes it is."

Him: "What's it for?"

Me: "People usually lie when they cause accidents, this will keep them honest."

Him: "How do you activate it?"

Me: "I just press the silver button."

Him: "So, when an accident is about to happen you reach up and keep pressing that button to get lots of pictures?"

Me: :confused:

Him: :crazy:

Me: :wtf:

Him: :crazy:

Me: "It's a video camera. It's always recording when I ride..."

Him: :crazy:

Me: "I don't have to press the button during an accident."

Him: "Video? That small? Oh, yeah - well I guess that makes more sense."

Me: :nono:

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I get that a lot from people as the camera is only really targeted towards "active sports" types. Couch potatoes need not apply. I actually have a video from MotoGP where two professional photogs come up and asked me about it. (It was on my head to shoot over the crowd)

One correctly surmised that it's vantage point was good for looking down the tops of women. He was humiliated when I told him it was recording.

If I could just edit the size, I could post.

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This thread raises a broader question, one I asked on twitter the other day. Why does everyone at a gas station, restaurant or even a stop light feel this uncontrollable urge to talk to the biker? It happens to me all the time. Some of the sample conversations I seem to have every day:

Them: Great day for a ride!

Me: How would you know, you are in a cage.

Them: My brothers second cousin's nephew twice removed got killed on a motorcycle.

Me: While I am sorry to hear someone you apparently don't even know died, I really don't give a shit.

Them: Is that a Harley?

Me: No, are you blind or stupid because it says right there in big letters 'Kawasaki'.

I still don't have a snappy comeback for 'Where are you headed' but I am working on it.

My favorite story though was the time when a bunch of old people came up to a group of us and were all excited to see 'real' bikers. I kid you not, they took their picture with us. Anyway, the best answer I got on twitter was they want to ride a bike but don't so they are living vicariously through talking to the biker. That actually makes sense.

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^ I know what you mean about getting asked questions. Funny thing was when I had my 05 Speed Triple I was always getting asked about it. "What is that thing"? "Looks like a bike outta Mad Max". I never minded talking to people, I remember when I was a teenager and would ask guys questions on bikes.

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My new,to me, Kawasaki is debadged for the most part so I have been getting questions as to what the bike is besides a Kawasaki that will change soon and ill have some ZX9R logos on it :D never really bothered me though as I ask a lot of questions about anything period

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I just pull the Maverick from Top Gun move. I ride up and down 480 by Hopkins pumping my fists at the planes flying overhead right before I grease myself up for some beach volleyball

You seem to have left some out, so I fixt.

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