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Interesting business model w/ motorcycles


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So I'm always thinking of ideas for new businesses and this one struck me today...

What if you had a service where someone calls u to pick them up from a bar. (think taxi service) But what you do differently is you send out guys on motorcycles that get high mpg and u have a passenger ride along that drives the customers car back to their house from the bar.

You could allow riders to use their own motorcycles at first until the business could afford to provide them. Low fuel costs, and you deliver their car back so it's their gas in the car. What do you guys think? Would you pay someone to pick up ur car? What can improve this idea? If you guys really think this could work I will start the business.

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Hmm... Well those businesses will not work unless you are in a big city. You will need actual motorcycles not scooters in a suburban area. And damn... it seems that no idea is original anymore,lol

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It is already out there, but, is there anything local? If you have extra cash to drop on one of those "Zingo" street legal scooters, and no local competition, then it could pay off.

I just don't see those scooters working in an area like this. To many people go pretty far from home when they go to a bar. I def think motorcycles would work here though.

And I checked, there is no service like that around here.

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So your paying two people to ride out to the car then drive it back with the person on the motorcycle following. Then riding back to the office or whatever? I wouldnt want someone I dont know driving my car. Most people I know call a taxi and have them drive them to the bar and pick them up.....Seems easy enough

edit and add Ohio's shitty weather and winter's. Your a very short seasonal business that wouldnt be worth it here.

Edited by Mykill
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I just don't see those scooters working in an area like this. To many people go pretty far from home when they go to a bar. I def think motorcycles would work here though.

And I checked, there is no service like that around here.

Yeah those things probably dont have too good of range on them.

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Yeah those things probably dont have too good of range on them.

~100 miles per tank... about 133 mpg.

I just don't see those scooters working in an area like this. To many people go pretty far from home when they go to a bar. I def think motorcycles would work here though.

And I checked, there is no service like that around here.

i think that people will actually stay fairly close to their homes when they go out... its not like they are going to drive 20 miles just to go have a beer.

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I drove 30 miles today to the bar,lol. But I would agree with you, most wouldn't. And MyKill brings up a good point. The season would be short so it's not something you could probably make a living off of. Plus paying 2 people would drive costs up more than gas would. Hmm.. I'll have to keep thinking, there must be some kind of alternative lol

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No Buzzkill intended, but,

How many drunk Asshats do you think are smart enough when they are not drunk, let alone when they are, will call for this service. :nono:

They will want to fight the rider of the bike and try to take the bike.

Just shoot them before they kill one of us on our bike.

That would end the drinking problem, eventually.

That ching sound is my $.02 landing in the tip jar.

Ride safe all,


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its actually pretty successful in louisville.

are you trying to tell me that drunk people from KENTUCKY are smarter than people from ohio? gimme a break.

you other comments make you sound like you're from the anti-saloon league or something lol.

i feel sorry for people who don't drink. when they wake up in the morning that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

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Interesting you took away from my thread that insite, I was just thinking of every rider out on the road, even you.

And drunk driving should be a Capital Offense, regardless if there is an accident or not.

But again it is just my $.02, deal with it, I'll deal with yours.

And please, everyone ride safe.



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