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I have no idea what language that is but its certainly not Spanish

edit: unless its some sort of Spanish ebonics, I have no fucking clue what you just said

I cant spell in Spanish.... I asked if you liked to fuck sheep lol... And im 50% Italian aswell, so I guess we break even there...

Noooooo gate down, I repeat gate down :( now I gotta get off my damn phone and do some work. the entrance is down sobthe exit has 2 way traffic now. Ill be back in around 5 when traffic dies down some so some dumbass doesnt wreck or a trucker doesnt take out the fense cuz its a bitch for trucks to get in through the exit.

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Just remember that you're only grandfathered in until you update your contract. Then you'll have the 2G just like everyone else. The way around this is to buy a phone from somewhere else when you want one. This was the rumor when the unlimited was first cancelled. Might not actually be true.

This is true we just buy new phones and add them to our contract. Been doing it since this started with no problems.

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Ok, maybe it wasnt the pics/sigs/avatars on this site thate ate all my data. Ive been on other forums all day b4 joining this one and only used about 5% of 2GB per day. On the 4th I bumped my plan from 2GB to 5GB and ive already reached 5gb... Thats 3GB used in 2 days with all the.extra settings off just using this website only. Not watching vids lookin at porn pics or listing to music or anything. bumping to 10GB(max GB offered) isnt even eorth it cuz that eill only give me like 6days of trolling on this site :( I guess ill just be forced to troll with 0.06mbs as opposed to 20mbs.... This is gunna suck ass and lead to very long and frustrating days at work....

So again screw u guys for making this a nice place to hang out, too many good peeps here... And also.this forum is way too active, why cant this site be semidead like the other foruks, then I wouldnt.havr.to hang out here all day.

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Ok, maybe it wasnt the pics/sigs/avatars on this site thate ate all my data. Ive been on other forums all day b4 joining this one and only used about 5% of 2GB per day. On the 4th I bumped my plan from 2GB to 5GB and ive already reached 5gb... Thats 3GB used in 2 days with all the.extra settings off just using this website only. Not watching vids lookin at porn pics or listing to music or anything. bumping to 10GB(max GB offered) isnt even eorth it cuz that eill only give me like 6days of trolling on this site :( I guess ill just be forced to troll with 0.06mbs as opposed to 20mbs.... This is gunna suck ass and lead to very long and frustrating days at work....

So again screw u guys for making this a nice place to hang out, too many good peeps here... And also.this forum is way too active, why cant this site be semidead like the other foruks, then I wouldnt.havr.to hang out here all day.

We choose to be active and not dull like most. Same here I'm on other forumns but this one the most more substance from the peeps here and not to hard on the moderating.

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We choose to be active and not dull like most. Same here I'm on other forumns but this one the most more substance from the peeps here and not to hard on the moderating.

Very true, alot of other forums lack depth and its just the same ol same ol blah. And ya the mods here are laid back and active. I dont feel certain websites(motorcycle being one) should be restrictive. Most if not all people on a bike forum are either adults or close to it and should not be treated as kids. No sewaring, no joking, no fun pft. They want to limit the user which in return hurts the population unfortunately. Sure I go to those sites if I need input I dont mind waiting a few days for cuz the sites dead, but here there is so many activity people who arnt carebears which makes this forum very enjoyable and an enjoyable forum means more people.which.means quicker.responses. And an over all uigher quality site.

Stupid phone, too annoying to fix typoa on this thing.

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