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Lifting as a chubby dude


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This will be interesting. I'm trying to get back into a lifting routine. It's been years and i'm a little chubby. Always lifted starting out as a skinny dude years ago now it's backwords...

Did all my sets saturday night, really light weights, and I'll still can't get my right hand closer than a foot to my face. Cranked my right tricep. Brushing my teeth and shaving was a pain with my left hand. Tonight, 2 days later, my pecs are all tightening/swelling up, aching like hell. It's like my fat is mutating into muscle.(wishful thinking) I'd like to lift again tonight but I can't move enough yet. Never had this happen as a skinny dude.

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No drinks other than water as normal, Stretched a little during and afterwords, have been off/and on since sunday trying to loosen the tricep up. Thanks, I'll try jogging. I was shooting guns and walking around earlier and the pain wasn't so bad( I did take a large pain killer around 3), but after sitting a couple hours it's cranked.

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I remember being sore back in the day re-starting a routine and then it took a crazy work out to get sore but I don't remember being unable to move correctly. I just ran a mile and it loosened up but now is right back to where it was. I'm pushing forty. Apparently this is a whole different ball game now and i'll have to go slower.

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Older you get, the more important it is to stretch thoroughly before and after. When I'd started a workout regiment again years ago, I didnt exercise at all the first week just stretching twice a day - then once I did start cardio and weight routine, it was easier to recover - worked for me anyway:dunno:

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Leave a day or 2 for recovery, when I played football we had weights Mon, Wed, Fri (before the season started) considering I was 16-18 during that time I would give 2+ days between starting out then gradually work you way into 1 day between.

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I feel for you I'm 38 and would like to lose about 40lbs so I started Insanity a week ago. It's kicking my ass and I'm still struggling but each day I can do a little more. I probably should have started on a different program first because insanity isn't really designed for a fat man but I'm gonna give it hell. Hang in there it'll get easier just remember were not as young as we used to be you are going to hurt and it's going to take longer to recover so know your limits and ease back into it.

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Yeah buddy this is pretty normal coming back to the game, hence why people start over and then stop right away and continue doing so. Normally the first 2 workouts per bodypart will be painful. Now you really shoudn't be in as much pain as it sounds like you are but tightness, swelling, and some pain is good. Nothing that 2 Ibuprofin or Aleave's won't cure, shouldnt that is. If it is more than that, then you over did it big time.

Im not a trainer, but I train people all the time, and have been lifting for about 10 years pretty seriously, even have a supplement company that contributes to my needs. Legal stuff, nothing more, but clothes, shakers, supps. discounted pretty huge.

Anyways, my recommendation would be to stretch AFTER you workout, it's proven that stretching before weights does nothing truly beneficial, but some light cardio does. Movement lubes the joints, stretching just puts stress on them. Stretching after a weight session helps to stetch the muscle fibers and facia making them less prone to soreness, and helping in recovery.

Did you do a full body workout? If you are just getting back into it, my best advice would be full body every 2-3 days, MWF, stuff like that, BUT key is not to overdo it, like 1-2 exercises at most per body part, with sets being 12-15 reps for 3 sets total.

I.E. Do the same workouts for about 4 weeks then change things up, maybe change to certain body parts per day, or just the exercises.

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Does this help?


In my 30's I was doing tae kwon do 4 days a week for 3 hours. Wouldn't know it now at 42. :( My accident gave me inspiration to get fit again and try to stay in better shape but it also made me realize that cardio and stretching is more important now that when I was younger. Still can't put my foot over my head like 10 years ago but every day a bit stronger every day a little longer. :)

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I hear ya...I started last week and hurt ALL WEEK LONG...better today, though. My plan is a whole body workout on the machine curcuit M,W,F and nice long walk with the dog T,Thur. Try to work in a game of ball or "spirited" ride on the weekends.

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Me too. I started back at the weights last Monday, and by Thrusday could barely wash my own hair. I am not looking to really acquire much mass in as much as make the current muscles stronger, leaner, and fit better into my leathers. Right now I look like a black snowman sponsored by Joe Rocket.

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Me and my girlfriend have been training together since janurary.

I've been training for powerlifting for 5 years.

Her first competition squatting 149lbs at a bodyweight of 121

I'm really proud of her


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Ive done the same as you several times. Over work a muscle when just stating out so much that you can barely move it for several days.

Ive done it at different times to calves and biceps and Im sure a few more.

I think as you get older its a little easier for this to happen because you dont recover as quick, but also because you probably are not as active as you were when younger.

For me it just seemed to take time and stretching to recover. Once I could move again I would do some more exercises on that muscle but use lighter weight and make sure I stop sooner. Then slowly build up your work out.


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since your just getting back into it you will be sore more then normal.

eventually you will recover better

it is important to rest your muscles after a workout before working them out again, give then time to heal and rebuild, muscles dont grow when your lifting, but when your resting, so give them the rest they need to grow.

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subscribed for the tips and suggestions. I say every year I'm gonna do it and lose weight but I've gotten to the point where I just can't stand being this heavy anymore and HAVE to do something

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