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RIP - Ft. Campbell Soldier / Watch your ass


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I've been waiting for the news to catch up enough to the point that I can tell some of this story and ensure I'm not releasing new information.

This involves a good friend of mine in my unit, and his roommate, Taylor. I have been friends with my buddy for a while, but I was just an acquaintance of Taylor's. He always struck me as a nice guy, and always willing to help others.

They did not live in the greatest area of town, but it wasn't terrible either. Both my friend and Taylor were married and living separately from their wives.

My friend and Taylor deployed to Afghanistan together. My friend was injured and MEDEVAC'ed back. Taylor recently returned at the end of the deployment.

Saturday evening two individuals in their apartment complex's parking lot requested Taylor's help. First he allowed them to borrow his cell to make a call. Second he agreed to give them a ride. All out of the goodness of his heart. They killed him.

It was intentional, and planned. I will not elaborate beyond that.

First and foremost, sorry to see him go. I salute his bravery and compassion. He will be missed.

Second, watch your ass. You never know what that other person is going to do. If you offer help, do it cautiously. Never trust until verified, and always maintain situational awareness.

Third, hopefully this helps you put a little perspective on life. It sure as hell made me realize that my "bad" evening the night prior was nothing compared to what happened to Taylor, and what his friends and family have to go through now. I've spent the rest of the week going out of my way to make sure I'm doing all I can.

Fourth, relish the time you have with those around you. You never know when it could end.


Edited by BDBGoalie
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RIP...What do the Marines say? Respect everyone and trust no one. People like these should be erased...

Plus a couple others come to mind.

Be courteous to everyone, friendly to none.

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Rest in Peace Soldier. You will be avenged.

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Oh shit, what the hell is wrong with people these days???

My son is at Ft Campbell in the 101st...I hope they catch those cowardly bastards responsible and dump them off onto one of the Army training fields for his fellow solidiers to mete out some justice.

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